Ticket: Error: Provider Connection Failed for New Channel
Question: How to add channel
Attempted: I tried to add channel and it was done successfully but getting error message of provider could not connect...
Ticket: Docker Desktop 'Failed to fetch' Error Resolution
Question: Trying to install on localhost in Docker Desktop?
Attempted: Trying to install using the below docker-compose.yml in Docker Desktop and getting the 'General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console.' Haven't used Docker much so I'm probably doing something wrong....
Ticket: HTTP 500 Error Serving Files from /uploads
Question: HTTP 500 when serving files from /uploads Postiz Logs:...
Ticket: Postiz error: "Twitter posting unauthorized"
Question: I got Postiz installed on https://poster.tokenshare.xyz with api running on https://api.tokenshare.xyz I was able to get it to add my Twitter account as one of the channels but posting has not been working and I am not sure how to trouble shoot it, because when I manually write code to post to twitter using the same tokens, it works just fine. Here is the error message that was stored in the database in the Posts table: {"type":"response","code":401,"error":{"title":"Unauthorized","type":"about:blank","status":401,"detail":"Unauthorized"},"headers":{"perf":"7402827104","content-type":"application/problem+json","cache-control":"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0","content-length":"99","x-transaction-id":"498f4dccb43cbe97","x-response-time":"3","x-connection-hash":"e9492fbe023304caa7b88dc12a9ef3ff925e4d4b1649801d323bbe0cf5dac4ef","date":"Fri, 17 Jan 2025 05:56:09 GMT","server":"tsa_b"}} ...
Ticket: Postiz App Shows Blank Page on Launch
Question: Hello, When I launch the Postiz app with Coolify, I don't get any errors at first glance....
Ticket: Configuring Facebook provider: advanced access issues
Question: I am configuring the Facebook provider, and I am on Step 7 (https://docs.postiz.com/providers/facebook). The issue is 2 fold:...
Ticket: Add Privacy Policy Link to Login Page
Question: Hi, so now FB/ IG requires privacy policy, how do we modify the login page to include this?
Attempted: I have installed postiz on docker lxc + cloudflared lxc to enable external https access....
Ticket: Docker+Caddy setup login issue; no browser error on access
Question: Issue Setting up on Docker and Caddy
Attempted: HI folks...
Ticket: Postiz Login Flow Issues on Digital Ocean Setup
Question: I'm having difficulty serving up Postiz using a Digital Ocean droplet. "Create User" flow works okay, I can see them created in the db, but login flow hangs and doesn't allow into the app.
Attempted: I've created the docker-compose.yml file and updated it with appropriate domains ("duckdns.org" for testing). I've updated recommended env vars so theyre pointing to the right place....
Ticket: Bluesky Post Publication Notice Clarification Needed
Question: I have recieved a notice telling me that the post has not been published on bluesky without any further explaination, How do I know what went wrong ?
Attempted: nothing yet...
Ticket: List formatting issue when previewing LinkedIn posts
Question: Dear support, I am using this "-" to indicate it is a list of elements in a comment, but when I preview the comment, it seems only the 1st item has a "-" in front of it
Attempted: add a ligne between two items in the list, but preview does not show the second nor third "-"...
Ticket: Setup Issue: TypeError: Failed to Fetch Error
Question: General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console. Browser console...
Ticket: Clarification on 'Affiliate' in Postiz App
Question: could you explain what "affiliate" is ? what does it imply ?
Attempted: nothing, just wanting to understand Postiz app...
Ticket: LinkedIn '@' Feature Still Not Working in Posts
Question: Hi, I have asked a few months back about the feature to have the "@something" feature working for LinkedIn posts. It seems it is still not working, or I am missing something?
Attempted: Tried using the "@" feature....
Ticket: Postiz update feature not working for LinkedIn posts
Question: When I want to edit/update a post already posted Postiz seems to just repost a new post instead of updating the existing one. I see an option for "update" and "post now". First one doesn't seem to have any effect on the post. Second is just making a new post with the updated content, leaving the old post in place. This is with LinkedIn.
Attempted: Tried to see how the update and post now works....
Ticket: Docker-compose ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on QNAP
Question: Installed via docker-compose on a QNAP system using Container Station. Currently getting this error when trying to signup. ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED | General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console. on signup...
Ticket: Unable to Locate Invoice for Payment Reconciliation
Question: I can't find my invoice
Attempted: Search in products and email inbox...
Ticket: Unable to Attach Image to Facebook Post
Question: Missing or invalid image file postiz | {"error":{"message":"Missing or invalid image file","type":"OAuthException","code":324,"error_subcode":2069019,"is_transient":true,"error_user_title":"Image Required","error_user_msg":"Make sure your Page post includes an image that can be used in an ad.","fbtrace_id":"xxxxx"}} ...
Ticket: Authorization Error: Missing 'client_id' for Provider
Question: Cant add provider. Sign in with Google Access blocked: Authorization Error...
Ticket: CORS Issue Blocking Signup on Local Installation
Question: Can't signup account on local installation
Attempted: Google Sign in: Access to fetch at 'https://postiz.homenet.lan/api/auth/oauth/GOOGLE' from origin 'http://localhost:5000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled....