Mysql template crashed suddenly with no interaction from my side
Hello guys, my MySQL database template crashed today suddenly
this is the deploy logs, I tried to restart many times but didn't work
Solution:Jump to solution
you would want to deploy the
image to put you back on the image you need to be on29 Replies
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looks like you tried to downgrade from mysql 9 to 8
I did not try anything today and it says it was done 6 hours ago, one question.. in that scenario I should redeploy the last one it does not have that 8, rigth?
you would want to deploy the
image to put you back on the image you need to be onhow can I do that?
does this has something to do with the app sleep?
why are there so many deploys?
from the service settings.
looks like that was you
yep, then connect the correct image
will I lost data in the database?
or this has nothing to do with the data?
unless something else was severally missconfigured, your data will be fine
got it
now Connect image, right?