Taste and the The Wolves Within
Heyo, recently put together the first "blog post" for a little side project. Pls enjoy.
What wolves are inside of you?

80 Replies
just a little thought expirment on how to give form to the shapeless desires we got going on underneath
beat me to it
i think all of my wolves are goated
and probobaly yours too 🙂
i think your wolves are menswear, really dope guy, and yugioh
I think it'd be interesting to see what mine are
all of my wolves are dumbasses and i love them
one of my wolves is french but better and more elitist (american) and one is a prep school loser and one wants to dress in the streetwear they always wanted to, the last is an avant garde loser
i think i might be a loser guys
all of them are telling you to open more tabs of yohji thats too small

What site has that G icon
rip your wallet ig
it's funny to imagine that my wolves never really die, they just keep reincarnating into worse and worse versions of themselves
I feel what smiles said about the prep, somewhere I really like a slightly dressed down preppy vibe but i feel "too dressed up" putting some stuff on same goes for darkwear/ avantgarde type thing
fruits magazine, city boy, japanese americana with as little of the weird stuff as possible/"gardeningcore", some post-ironic hypebeast/graphic tees/dumb bullshit; the current incarnation of all my wolves is wide as fuck
where "fruits magazine" is actually several wolves in a trenchcoat (vivienne/cdg/reinterpreted punk, darkwear, harajuku)
i can see your wolves in real life! you answer to them well
I'm interested to think about this more and try to write something to describe them

Make this the server banner
I dunno if servers have banners
good ones do
my wolves are wanting to dress like all the local punks, wanting to dress as odd as possible, wanting to be some ghostly presence, and wanting to push how much skin i'm comfortable with showing
Working on it :linkBow:

oh hell yes
i thought about this for like 20 minutes and yea ur right that's all of them
could all just be menswear tbh
I have a wolf who's desperate about fishnet. I own none.
the sexcore wolf.
seth is our own powerpoint due by next class :nooooo:
I try to suppress him, but I definitely have a wolf that strives for a modest, anti-fashion relatability
One that just wants dope things regardless of how they look with whatever else I own
One that actually pays the bills and needs a corporately acceptable uniform
And one that is a peacekeeper between the others
ill give you a week extension
The wolves that come up immediately are the plain wolf, who dresses casually like most others (at least of my youth), jeans, a t-shirt, maybe a hoodie.
Then theres the western wolf which I have noticed recently. This one is a little more into a western american look with denim, usually a denim jacket. The third wolf is a smartish wolf who dresses up in shirts and trousers (usually jeans).
I fight hard with the one who takes
"well made" and "quality" over how it looks basically just r/rawdenim pilled wolf
i see this
* 80s TV documentary literary talking head
* Looking like a toy of "x profession here"
* jawbreaker
* wannabe malti
not that things cant be nice while looking great, but sometimes i find myself wanting something more for the cool hand dyed made in japan fabric than the clothes actually looking good
all of them wear cute knits
i think something to consider is that a wolf can be a perceptive desire rather than a direct stylistic one
are you saying that i'm wrong
hmm 🤔
can my wolves be styles of clothing?
my wolves aren't even approaching domesticated but Viv's plaids, 80s northern post punk/depressed post industrial British cities, 80s and 90s climbers and mountaineers, 90s belgian and italian cycling continental teams, countryside tailoring from the UK
no you silly
just giving more food for thought đź–•
I have four wolves, and they each own more than four jackets
i have two wolves fighting for dominance and two fighting for scraps:
- serious wolf: pragmatic, traditional, steadfast, and function-driven in a way to attempt to survive and garner respect in a world predisposed not to give it out to them for obvious reasons. enjoys patina as a sign of a job well done. likes take ivy and the first 90% of black ivy. would get shoved in a locker by smiles if he could reach
- subversive wolf: recognizes that, while society may be unkind because of inherited traits or how they see the world, that he can also be unkind right back in the most passive aggressive way. plays with formality, exaggeration or technically correct alternatives, obvious or obscure messaging, unconventional items/brands for certain aesthetics and lots of tiny details. trolls fashion subreddits with the socratic method. tends to be "fun". will either dress as a cowboy or use CdG to dress like ivy-style.com
- artsy wolf: the soul of a poet and sculptor shoved into the body of someone good at stem. really into things like material choice, construction, draping, and variations of the form. LOVES learning and tactile interaction with clothes. willing to brick for the sake of pursuing creative vision. would melt at the feet of jjve or fang chen wang. tends to be super fucking extra
- cozy wolf: would like to be content with a few carefully picked, comfy, easy things to be able to get dressed in 5 minutes every day but society and maybe biology are making it super difficult. optimistic nihilist. loves beige, snowpeak, trinkets from flea markets and to listen to the disintegration loops.
this was a fun thought process - i think it helps to think of clothes or outfits as moreso the actual person wearing them - their likes and dislikes beyond clothing, how they spend their time, what functional needs they have, and what motivated them
my wolf likes pizza

there’s two wolves in all of us
they’re both gay
are these even wolves lol
Do they feel like wolves to you
pls do not derail the good conversation with the shitposting thank you
might be worth extending through the thought beyond just clothes - western Americana looks convey things (attitudes, behaviors, tastes) that you may be picking up on, so does smart casual dressing
Fun topic! I would like to revisit and really dive deeper into this over the weekend. I focused more on what I wear rather than why I prefer certain styles and subcultures. @zeometer did an incredible job with their analysis on a more fundamental level.
* double denim city wanna be cowboy wolf. Since I work as a chemist at a manufacturing site, I prefer to wear workwear during the week. Partially because I want to fit in with others at my company, and partly because I still really enjoy heritage clothing. Similar to @oman121 I absolutely adore a lot of the craftsmanship and dye methods used by brands like samurai and oni (sumi ink dye, kakishibu dye). Watching your pair fade and develop character over time is extremely rewarding. Thankfully, more brands are making straight leg fits and a few are leaning into oversized cuts. Type 2 repro denim jacket, raw straight or wide pants, and brown leather boots and I’m a happy guy.
* Goth wolf. The other part of me wants to only wear black and grey with my small collection of vintage band shirts. As much as I think color is fun, there’s so much beauty and simplicity in wearing variants of black. Yohji said it better than I could: “Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy - but mysterious. But above all black says this: "I don’t bother you - don’t bother me". I find that a piercing black can be a bit harsh for my taste so I prefer to stay with washed or “vintage” blacks. This is the side of me that loves flowey black trousers with long coats and a beautifully worn pair of guidis. This wolf desperately wants to wear Rick 24/7. If my career allowed for this I most likely would.
* Gorp wolf. Mostly out of necessity. I love to backpack, rock climb, run, lift. Clothes in this category are a mix of functionality and fashion. Salomon, arcteryx, asics, Patagonia. Great pieces for keeping warm or repelling rain while also looking okay. Im less excited for these outfits but since exercise is such a large part of my life I get quite a lot of wear out of them.
The most fun part of fashion is the wolf pack. Mixing and matching these categories of style into something uniquely me. Sometimes I’m more minded towards practicality, opting to wear an outfit because I’ll be on my feet all day. Otherwise, I love to blend classic workwear with more luxurious fabrics. The contrast between a thrashed pair of denim and a cute cashmere flowey coat has always been one of my favorites. Other times I want to be experimental by exploring new shapes and methods of combining the pieces I own.
for me at least i tried to avoid specific aesthetics because, at least for me, locked in aesthetics are secondary to what exactly i want to express
different people may view this differently and i think that's important, to find your specific way to view yourself
Were you referring to my last post here or the one after? 🤔
gina and za warudo
not you sam you are seeking understanding in teh wolves
building off of what zeo et al were saying, i think it's important to view each wolf as a full being, having their own motives and daily routines and aspirations
one wolf can accomplish many aesthetics, and many wolves can overlap in a single aesthestic, but the reason and method of achieving this is different
Sometimes I want to look cool in an effortless way and sometimes I want to look cool in an effortful way
appreciate everyone engaging with the discussion earnstly! means a lot to me :)
This is a really interesting question. Gonna have to think about this.
Da four wolves

Nigel cabourn wolf / drake’s wolf / ald wolf / carhartt wolf
gorp worf, workwear/ivy/mfa house wolf, all black wolf, "I would do a really good job casting fungus cloud if you added me to your party" wolf
I feel like I've picked up a new wolf each time I've revisited fashion and rebuilt my wardrobe:
2017 wolf is a being of pure excitement, chasing ideas and aesthetics that feel good instinctively. Wants nothing more than to catch a glimpse of my outfit in a random reflection and think "nice". Is basic af.
2021 wolf is self-critical and self-conscious, worried about the opinions of others and hellbent on challenging myself to avoid stagnating and becoming outdated. Wants nothing more than for 2017 wolf to shut up and move on. Keeps trying to learn to appreciate "drape".
2024 wolf is a moderating force between the two, trying to find balance and compromise. Is open to experimenting but is trying to be ok with the possibility that I won't like what I'm "supposed" to learn to like. Is dangerously obsessed with pants.
Who knows what 2027 wolf will be.
There’s something of a myth that internet fashion has some sort of progression to it
You don’t have to learn to like the same things that other people do, don’t worry about it too much
Yeah, it's a work in progress of figuring that out
On the one hand it would be really nice to engage in online fashion circles, I get sad when I read about fashion and the things I like are getting made fun of, and it would be nice to post outfits and get positive reactions
But obviously it's a terrible idea to torture yourself trying to fit in
You could be an old money no show socks rep wearing mall goth double monkstrap slim taper Amazon basics poly blend quarter zip skinny tie mf here and no one would give a shit if you had swag and/or were a healthy part of the community
Haha thanks
I have zero swag but hopefully doing the latter will be enough
My wolf?
Alpha wolf.
I feel like the four wolves you offered would sound like how I might characterize it
But then I feel like it's like that psychology effect where personality tests make sense bc you basically categorize yourself accordingly
I love like exploring different vibes within my wardrobe even though I definitely have a personal preference for the more silly willy soft stuff
peaked in high school — avoids branding bc of hypebeast association. loves sweats and hoodies in shorts. thinks bombers are the best fucking garment in the world (but alpha industries are ass bc they hahe branding!!). wants to be chic and mysterious
minecraft irl — wanted too many aesthetic vloggers. knit enjoyer. wants to frolick in the field with a cute little frog hat and cardigans. likes strawberries. questionable survival instincts
plushie dealer - love tote bags, light colors and baggy pants. wants to put a plushie on every fucking item possible. will meow at cats and bump into every nook and cranny known to humankind
ong fr fr — wants to wear camp collars and button up shirts and trousers but just looks like every other fashion enjoyer freshly off Tim Dessaint and Daniel Simmons
Coming back to actually type up my thoughts;
1. Denim wolf wants to wear jeans, tees and flannels. Which is fine and I wear this a lot, especially at work during the week as I'm limited in clothes I can take with me cycling to work.
2. The workwear wolf. Closely related to the flannel wolf, he wants to wear carpenter pants, double knees. But also wants to lean into older repro stuff like cinch back jeans, french work pants with split backs and suspender buttons.
3. Look at me wolf - this one thinks he's the coolest guy in the world and wants everyone to look at him. Probably wearing some wide SFC suit and heeled boots. Unfortunately for him he's small and doesn't win very often.
4. Don't perceive me wolf - the one that wins out 9 times of out 10. Accepts that I want to wear cool clothes but doesn't want to be acknowledged.
1 and 2 really are quite aligned with each other i think, and over time the voice of 3 will get louder.
Soup in a wide SFC suit would be phenomenal!
We gotta feed that wolf!
Also @seth thanks for posting this. It was fun to think about and attempt to put my thoughts to paper so to speak.
Also interesting (worthwhile) to read everyone else's responses
ngl i only have one wolf and that's me wanting to be vaguely streetwear with JP/Korean influences. ive been through many phases but only one at a time, im very much an all or nothing person
ive done vintage, done gorp, done dorkwear, done a lot of things
only one at a time though
can i see dorkwear stevie pleaseeeeee
i wish, all images from that era are lost
you liar... it's ok tho
its fine i wasn't very good at it and made do with what i could thrift to chase the look
i hate this fucking shitpost image but it's the only thing i can find that's close from the era lol

I wanted to answer this prompt a while ago, but found it really hard to answer, because there are just so many wolves within. So I gave it some more thought and came to the following conclusion:
I have four fashion-wolves inside of me, although one of them is kind of just a bunch of wolf pups in a trenchcoat.
Wolf number one, which kinda is ascendant right now, is into westernwear, particularily the 70s adjacent stuff. Think cowboy boots, denim with tailoring, bold colours, embroidery. A bit whimsical and fun, not to serious. Ultimately its intended as a subversion of the masculine stereotype of the cowboy, by playing up the parts of westernwear that are very colourful, very ornate and would be read as femme in other context. Sometimes this subversion extends towards nautical sailor stuff as well, because both cowboys and sailors are kind of gay (in a positive way, to make that clear).
The second wolf is pretty much what seth called the 17 year old wolf and wants to be cool and edgy, drawing loosely from punk, rock & roll and metal and various other subcultures and likes to look a bit more rugged, edgy with majority black stuff. Ultimately a lot of that still gets expressed in a yehaw manner.
The third wolf is my thrifting and history nerd and also a bit of a "quality" snob. The positive half of that wolf just enjoys old clothes because of the history attached to them and generally likes an approach to clothing that is rooted in historical ways of dress. Likes to thrift and enjoys knowing how to find "the good stuff" - on the negative side, that wolf also kinda turns up its nose on anything thats too contemporary or streetwear in a way that propably also speaks of some white upper middle class biases im not proud of.
The fourth wolf basically is just a bunch of unformed ideas, cool-but-not-for-me? Moments and all the stuff that does not really work within my current mode of dress.