Ticket: Login Issue with self-installed Cloudflare Tunnel

@Rainbow Just created a ticket
Question: I am doing a self install , with cloudflare tunne. My domain is in this format : https://xxx.com.de When I tried it with http://localhost:5000 as main and frondend URL, it works, but when I try changing to https://xxx.com.de for all three variaiable i.e. main, frontend and api , I am able to create the account , get the activation mail, click activate it, but when I try to log in, it just takes me back to login screen again without any error message.
Attempted: Tried to set ISGENERAL to true and false, tried to put https://xxx.com.de/ at the end but none of it works
Working On: self install
Using Postiz On: docker-compose
Take it from here @Postiz
7 Replies
Rainbow4w ago
Also took the latest update release day before yesterday
SupportOP4w ago
@Postiz please help @Rainbow
Rainbow4w ago
I tried logging in via firefox and see the following error in Browser Console...
No description
Rainbow4w ago
its perhaps something to do with my domain that looks liek this : https://xxxxxxxx.com.de Maybe there is a code that looks at .com and ignores the .de for auth cookie generation
ButtonBash3w ago
The auth cookie error! Same as myself. No answer yet on what’s happening 😦 my domain is postiz.mynas.synology.me Maybe it only likes .com 😂 @Nevo David this issue has cropped up a few times lately, based on myself searching for the same issue 😀 any ideas what could be happening/what I could try?
Rainbow3w ago
Hi @Nevo David . This looks to be the root cause of this issue : : Can you please add "com.de" to the file .. which I think is used for two level domains.. (https://github.com/gitroomhq/postiz-app/blob/92b8feb0938c7ef41df9d4408277271e2de395be/libraries/helpers/src/subdomain/all.two.level.subdomain.ts#L1)
ButtonBash3w ago
oh man is this the source of the problem! Certainly looks like it could be - I had no idea that there was a list of valid subdomains…

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