


This is the official Hono discord server for the community


Honox + Vite + Prisma

When I try to use Prisma client libraries, I get errors in my dev server: ``` module is not defined...

Cookie Comes Back As undefined

Hello. I'm using Hono and having an issue setting a cookie on one endpoint and retrieving it in the middleware of another. I was wondering if someone could advise as to why it comes back undefined. Thanks! ```ts authRouter.get('callback', async (c) => { // irelevant logic......

Websocket subprotocol results in Error: The script will never generate a response

Websockets - sending subprotocols (auth token smuggling) results in Error: The script will never generate a response. Client: ``` const ws = new WebSocket(wsUrl, "potato");...

How to add credentials to a Hono client?

I see hono documentarion unfortunately lacks a lot of information on how to use it appropriately, and It's no different with this piece of information, so I'd like to know how to or if it's even possible to make authentication via cookies. Can anyone help me?

Post method not working with Queues on CF Worker

Hono version: 4.6.20 Wrangler version: 3.107.2 I've tried a lot but fetch function inside queue is not executing in the worker both deployed version and local dev server. ...

I'm looking for more clarity on client components

I've tried following the documentation but I can't seem to get a hono project working with the client components helper. https://hono.dev/docs/guides/jsx-dom can anyone provide a comprehensive snippet on how to set this up? 🥺...

Using @hono/auth-js with one API server (auth) and one web server (front) ?

Hey, hope Hono fans are doing well, I'm wondering if it's possible to use a distant API (not on the same hostname) with authjs ? I've seen multiple examples with @hono/auth-js but they are always relying on the vite proxy server to serve the api on the same host as the frontend server. Example usages of the @hono/auth-js lib : - https://github.com/divyam234/next-auth-hono-react...

Hono + Bun + Better Auth 404 error when using app.route

Hey, I'm trying to setup a hono server like this, but when I call the /api/auth/ok endpoint I got a 404. In fact I'm also using a app.route() in my entryfile. A very strange behavior break the "/api/auth/**" matching Working version ```ts...

Help with REGEX doesnt work on route path definition

I have this route definition: ``` app.on(["POST", "GET"], "/api/auth/**", (c) => { return auth.handler(c.req.raw);...

Configuring Storybook with Hono

Hey, I am trying to configure storybook with Hono, is there an easy way of doing this? Thanks!...

TSX layout / templating question

- is there a way to link a static style sheet from the server side tsx components?? i've been trying, searching and proompting, what am i missing... - im using server side tsx to render html and i want to link a style sheet instead of using the jsx css helper, can i just link a stylesheet like normally? main.tsx...

relative pathname in Request not working on POST request

Using the pathname in a GET request everything works fine. Code: ```js test("GET: all car brands", async () => { const res = await app.request("/api/brand");...

What is the difference between `Zod OpenAPI` and `Hono OpenAPI`?

From reading the docs I can't tell why I should use one as opposed to the other. Can I use both? If so, how?

Can't get the RPC typing

Hey ! Hope you're doing well, I have an issue with the RPC types, how can I manage to get the client types ? ```ts // hc.ts import router from "./root";...

Image uploaded to S3 cannot be displayed when run on Lambda

I'm trying to upload images to S3 via AWS Lambda using Hono, but when I open the image url it shows The image cannot be displayed because it contains error My Setup: - Frontend: SvelteKit, sending a multipart/form-data request with the image. - Backend: AWS Lambda with Hono ...

HonoX change entry file

In the new HonoX, how can I change the entry file from app/server.ts to src/server.ts? there is an entry option in the honox vite plugin but that doesn't work

No Types for RPC with abstracted routes

I'm not getting any type hints from my Hono RPC client. I know there are warnings not to use the factory method, but as far as I knew this was the only way to have abstracted routes, which I find pretty important for organizing many routes. ```ts type Env = { Variables: {...

How can I stream a video in hono?

I want also to put a range header when user wants to put a specific time of video

Get `auth` session when API endpoint is called from a server component

```ts import { Hono } from 'hono' import { verifyAuth } from '@hono/auth-js' import { zValidator } from '@hono/zod-validator' import { db } from '@/db'...

How can I use hono/jsx templates to send Emails via Nodemailer?

I'm not sure if this is possible currently... I would like to render a JSX or TSX component without having to set up a route. I want to render a JSX component to an html string with one function call, so I can pass the string to nodemailer. How can I achieve this with hono?...