Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


SQLite update at column

How do you guys would write the created and updated at column schemas when using sqlite? ```ts createdAt: text("createdAt") .notNull()...

db.select returning [], but a directly executed neon sql statement returns data.

Hi, here is my code. export const getData = async () => { console.log("neon", await sql_neonSELECT * FROM todo WHERE id = ${1}`); console.log("drizzle", await db.select().from(todo));...

How to add multiple tables in a single export object

So for example I have these tables ``` export const orderssection = mysqlTable('orderssection', { firstName: varchar('first_name', { length: 30 }).notNull(),...

Error: No database connection string was provided to `neon()`.

Hi. Here is my code: `import { neon } from "@neondatabase/serverless";...

Schema for that links user > friends

Hello, I am trying to do a schema that links users and friends (https://gist.github.com/imaginamundo/d990e63f0aaba7244a173d8fe28f06bb). But I am probaly messing something up, because I get an error that says there is not enought information between those tables. The literal error is:...

cannot migrate database: PostgresError: unterminated /* comment at or near "/*

logs: ``` Tasks: 10 successful, 10 total Cached: 2 cached, 10 total Time: 6.717s ...
No description

Issue with JSON + TypScript

Here's my code:
.findFirst({ where: eq(globalBans.offender.id, userID) });
.findFirst({ where: eq(globalBans.offender.id, userID) });
Here's my schema:...

how to get auto increment to work sqlite

have attached the relevant snippets for dissection. cannot get the auto-increment function to work. im sure its something simple im overlooking but if someone could help get ai to work it would be greatly appreciated.
No description

Node-API function "napi_type_tag_object" is not implemented yet.

I am getting this error when using drizzle + turso libsql, bun and typescript. ``` warning: Node-API function "napi_type_tag_object" is not implemented yet. Track the status of Node-API in Bun: https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/issues/158 thread '<unnamed>' panicked at /cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/neon-1.0.0/src/sys/tag.rs:120:5:...
DCDan Claroni4/27/2024

using unions with "with" clause

I am trying to do something like the following, but cant figure out how to do this with drizzle syntax. ```sql WITH common_subquery AS ( SELECT user_id, column1, column2...

ts: Object literal may only specify known properties except the property is known

No overload matches this call.
Overload 2 of 2, '(values: { role: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; channelId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; webhookId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<...>; webhookToken: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; region: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; }[]): PgInsertBase<...>', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'channelId' does not exist in type '{ role: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; channelId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; webhookId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<...>; webhookToken: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; region: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; }[]'.
No overload matches this call.
Overload 2 of 2, '(values: { role: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; channelId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; webhookId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<...>; webhookToken: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; region: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; }[]): PgInsertBase<...>', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'channelId' does not exist in type '{ role: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; channelId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<string, any>; webhookId: string | SQL<unknown> | Placeholder<...>; webhookToken: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; region: string | ... 1 more ... | Placeholder<...>; }[]'.
No description

error: no schema has been selected to create in while running push command

trying to setup drizzle with local postgres database, DB_CONN_STRING is 'postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/test?schema=public' drizzle config: import 'dotenv/config';...

Navigating through multiple many-to-many relationships in a single query?

Hi all! I've been racking my brain unsuccessfuly on how to accomplish my desired behavior with a query using drizzle. I don't even know how to do it in SQL honestly, and I've searched everywhere on the internet but nothing seems to do exactly what I want. This is a stripped version of my schema just showing the relations, as the rest is pretty simple to deduce. The hierarchy is primarily meal combinations -> many food items -> many traits```ts export const foodItemsRelations = relations(foodItems, ({ many, one }) => ({ foodItemsTraits: many(foodItemsTraits),...

Circular Reference Error when Using Self-Reference in Table Definition with Drizzle-ORM

I encountered an error while defining a PostgreSQL table using Drizzle-ORM. The issue arises when attempting to create a self-referencing array column that references the primary key of its own table. The error message suggests that there is an issue with type inference possibly due to the self-reference. ```ts import { createId } from "@paralleldrive/cuid2"; import { createInsertSchema, createSelectSchema } from "drizzle-zod";...

SQL many statements?

Any ideas on how to debug this? ```Task migrations deno run -A src/lib/db/migrations.ts error: Uncaught (in promise) LibsqlError: SQL_MANY_STATEMENTS: SQL string contains more than one statement at mapHranaError (file:///Users/fharris/Projects/jobasaurus-crawler/node_modules/.deno/@libsql+client@0.4.3/node_modules/@libsql/client/lib-esm/hrana.js:257:16)...

Querying a materialized view: relation does not exist

I define a materialized view as such: ``` export const usersMv = pgMaterializedView("users_mv").as( (qb) => { return qb...

default to empty object for sqlite text field with JSON mode

How can I default a mode: 'json' text type to an empty object in sqlite? The following in a sqliteTable definition results in a literal string of ([object Object]): ```...

Converting a field from X type to Serial causes errors

I'm attempting to convert a field from type text to type serial. Here's the error I'm seeing: ``` error: type "serial" does not exist...

Return type is only "with" types, ignores "columns" types

Not sure if I'm using it wrong but the return type of a relational query is just the columns from the "with" clause, and doesn't merge with the "columns" object like I'd expect
MJIMd Jahidul Islam milon4/26/2024


updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at', { mode: 'date', precision: 3 }) .defaultNow() .$onUpdate(() => sql(now() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC')) .notNull(), ...