


We are a programming server aimed at coders discussing everything related to C# (CSharp) and .NET.


✅ Why is it showing me this error?

i dont get why its out of range
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Database function skipping data

Hello, when I run the below method it is supposed to return a string array with a list of users, but when I run the debugger, the reader object has rows, but it skips over the while loop. Here is the code: ```C# public static List<string> RetrieveUserList() { List<string> users = new List<string>();...
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AssemblyLoadContext LoadfromAssemblyPath vs LoadFromNativeImagePath

What is the difference between LoadfromAssemblyPath and LoadFromNativeImagePath? When would I ever need/want to use the latter?

SpotifyAPI - i dont understand things but i want this so bad...

With alot of Help from the internet i somehow managed to get to this code: (in picture) it is not everything but the rest was the authendification wich somehow works fine. These executions also work (not the last one) with the help of this link: https://github.com/JohnnyCrazy/SpotifyAPI-NET/blob/master/SpotifyAPI.Web/Clients/Interfaces/IPlayerClient.cs so i can get the types of Tracks and if it is paused or not but when it comes to the song name / id i dont know how to get that i tried with this last but it wont work it says: there is no argument that matches the necessary variable request "IPlayerClient.GetCurrentlyPlaying(PlayerCurrentlyPlayingRequest, CancellationToken)" idk what to do im a total beginner... (and sorry for bad english)...
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✅ WPF - how to approach a treeview displaying different types at different levels via MVVM

I'm just learning WPF - so seeking some design advice. I'm designing a Visual Studio extension to view and edit Gists. Each type Gist has a collection of type GistFiles (Files property in a Gist): I'll have 3 views inside the main View: GistsBrowser (user control=treeview), GistEditor (user control) and GistFileEditor (user control). I'm thinking I need to store the Collection of Gists in the MainViewModel, as different UserControls/ViewModels will need access to a shared GistsCollection to ensure synchronicity. For the GistsBrowser, I need to make a specific treeview control to display all Gists at the root level which can be expanded to show all of the GistFiles within a Gist. There will be no further child levels....

Does hangfire has a redudant delay?

I`ve created an Job that deletes object from db at certain time, but it looks like it is being delayed by approximately 15 sec

help needed with accesing a variable in another script

im trying to acces isgrounded in another script and have it be the same as hi but i get this error
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Issue with websocket within a service

Im having troubles using a websocket service within other parts of my projects, cannot use the Send method properly


I'm new to C# in VSC and i have a Problem wich is why i can't execute the Code. What am i supposed to do?
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Checking data from SQL database

help on verge of tears
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✅ How to export data from datagridview into excel file

I've tried like a few ways and cant really make sense of it, if someone can guide me through it it would be nice, thanks in advance 🙂

Problem with Material Design Lib in wpf

I have a Combobox item in Stack panel. Im using Material Desing for automatic styling but the Popup of the Combobox doesnt carry over the colors that i have set for material design picture for example My nomal colors are the shades of blue but for whatever reason they pick this grey color. I tried setting the ItemContainerStyle but it didnt help...
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Title: Issues with Authentication and Authorization using JWT with AutoRender Mode in Blazor NET8

Hello friends, I am currently facing challenges with Authentication and Authorization using JWT with AutoRender Mode in Blazor NET8. Specifically, I'm encountering issues with the <Authorized> attribute in components, as it does not retrieve the user's state. Additionally, I would appreciate guidance on how to implement RevalidatingServerAuthenticationStateProvider and Persist State in a client project. If any of you have experience working on a project involving JWT with AutoRender Mode, I would greatly appreciate any insights or sample projects that could help me overcome these obstacles....

✅ How do I reference a specific private instance of a class

I would like to know how I could reference a specific instance of a class, if the class is private and I'm in a different class

Receiving Game Controller Input while Minimized (WinForms C#)

Pretty general question here. How would I go about receiving input from my user while they aren't tabbed into the program or have a different window as their foreground window? I'm using the InputSimulator Nuget package (InputSimulatorStandard version), and I'd like for my program to send inputs to a game window when it receives controller input. My only issue, now, is that the controller input isn't received unless I have my application as the foreground window. ```cs private async void T_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) {...

process start

Ive been trying to figure out why the proccess.start() hasnt been working
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Configurations say that appsettings is returning null

Basically, i have a configuration and i'm trying to access a value from my appsettings, and all that i got is "null", but the value is actually there, more details below

✅ ASP.NET Core Web Api + SignalR

Hi, I have an API deployed on IIS but when a person wants to access it they get an error: "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" Any solution?...

✅ .NET sdk not working

So, I've installed the .NET sdk and did what I was told, but it's still not being detected by vscode, commands like 'dotnet --version' don't work I've had this issue many times before trying to setup C#, and I've never solved it, it's kept me from learning the programming language for longer than I expected and I really would like help fixing it...