NabBot Support


NabBot Support

Official support server for NabBot, the Discord bot for Tibia.


Respawn History

Hi guys, Respawn History is showing old dates when was showing rescents first Also, it seems that the query tends to be extremely slow Regards...
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Autoroles not assigning new roles

Unsure what data you need, but autoroles aren't being assigned / removed properly when members of the guild are promoted. Server ID: 688218936889704592

watchlist error

It worked well some hours after the latest releases, but suddenly it stopped working and started showing this message. Our server has more than 15 users. Server ID: 351077862314606595 Is it a bot bug or do I need to do something to fix this error?...
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broken respawns possible cause

the person who was pending acceptance chose to use /respawn leave instead of interacting with the NabBot PM
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Error im to register another character of different world

have any solution for this error? I already change de world set.
Fixed !!! Thanks bro
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Unable to use Nabbot during Weekends

Good morning guys, could you please check what is happening during the weekends? Nabbot works without problems during the week, but during the weekends it stops working, there have been 3 weekends where the same thing happens
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respawn used by unknown user

I'm seeing "unknown user" in a few places recently
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/im error

seems to be an issue with claiming characters @Galarzaa @Tschis
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tibia news

Seems like “&nsmb” is added to the end of tibia news posts. Not sure if this is on nabbot’s end or cipsoft’s end
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nabbot not sending messages about lvl up and deaths

Hello, I have problem with nabbot on my discord server. Nabbot not sending messages about lvl up and deaths on my channel since 7.07.2024. I set up channel where this message should appear - to do that i used command /settings levels-channel set channel:#levelup...
Sorry I must have missed this But yes, the functionality is disabled, possibly until after the double event...

Error message when setting welcome message

I need help setting the welcome message, I'm trying to do it in my discord server but it's impossible, all other commands seems to work except this one
Hello, some changes were made as announced here Can you see if these help your problem?
About welcome messages If you had configured a welcome message before we released Slash commands, you should try to set it again as we have updated the "templates" you can use (for example, {serverName}). Use /settings welcome-message keys to view the available ones....
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Include damage/healing values in split-loot table

With the recent update of the bot to use /commands, the party hunt analyzer pasted into the command window will no longer be displayed as a message in the channel. It means, that exact values of damage and healing are no longer stored in the channel (only the percentage values are present in the table). This info was often times useful for us to compare different hunts. Would it be possible to include them in the command? I understand, I can copy-paste my party hunt before using the command, but a nicely formatted table would be much appreciated....

guild and players on

nabbot updated the discord in a maximum of 10 minutes, the watchlist is now every 1h, and when does it want to update

kicking people restarts respawn

well it seems when kicking some 1, it restarts the whole que now >.> removed some 1 who wasnt gonna be able to go, and it restarted the que and asked the current to accept again.....

Unable to create a watchlist

Using the command '/watchlist create' and willing to give the channel a name of 'online', get the result the bot is lacking permissions 'manage channel'. While the bot and its own role has the permission set correctly.
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respawn next while having a current claim

When you have a current claim and try to get next on a respawn that is empty, it will automatically kick you from your current claim and claim the spawn you wanted next on. User dabs was hunting 816, tried to get next on 1712 but since it was empty, it kicked him from 816 and accepted 1712....
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Remove player from Watchlist

I'm trying to remove a char from the watchlist, but it seems not to be working as it should
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can't remove watchlist

I can't disable this watchlist, thank you for help! 🙂
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Respawn mapper images

This is low priority, but reporting anyway. Two issues: 1. For a lot of new respawns, that map preview is completely black 2. The map preview seems a lot more zoomed in now (see image) And maybe a 3rd super minor request, but I don't think we need the crosshairs on the map image, unless you intentionally added that?...
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/ commands

/ commands are not working in our discord server for tibia eg. @NabBot /splitloot just bring up a msg saying "NabBot now uses slash commands, type / to see the list of commands." please help...