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Pipeline Error: Pipeline Failed to Terminate within Timeout (5000ms)

This is a bit of a head scratcher for me. I'm in the process of writing a new element for my pipeline that uses the Silero VAD module for speech detection (rather than the built in WebRTC Engine VAD extension). I've got it working, but hitting a wierd bug. Now when my engine terminates (peer leaves), I'm getting this error: ** (Membrane.PipelineError) Pipeline #PID<0.1499.0> hasn't terminated within given timeout (5000 ms). The only thing that's changed is my new element in the pipeline (it's setup as a Membrane.Filter). If I remove the element from the pipeline, then the error goes away. ...

burn in caption to mp4

Thanks first of all for building the whole family of products. To learn Membrane & friends, I want to build a simple Livebook-based tool that starts with a video and its webVTTs (multilingual), generate the image sequence (with Image or Typst), then burn the image sequence captions into the video. Is Membrane, Live Compositor, or Boombox better suited for this purpose?...

stream RTMP to VLC Network stream

Hello, currently we are using membrane_rtmp_plugin to receive RTMP Stream as source (with help of Membrane.RTMPServer and Membrane.RTMP.SourceBin). All is fine, we migrated successfully to 0.26.0 version, which simplifies pipeline a lot. Also we did a POC of streaming RTMP to streaming service (Youtube) and everything is working as expected. I am curious, is there any way to stream RTMP to VLC Player (probably it is called pull approach)? I mean File -> Open Network -> Specify URL (eg. r... + UDP

I've got an membrane_webrtc server setup where someone can "call" an LLM and talk with them (audio only, no video). It largely works, though my users are reporting random disconnects. The console errors match the attached image. I'm a little thrown since the url in that message specifies UDP as the transport. I deployed to, and explicitly did not open up the UDP ports in my fly.toml, so I'm wondering why the app is failing with a UDP timeout. Am I incorrect in assuming that I can force all traffic over TCP by just not opening it up? Shoudl I also figure out UDP? On UDP, I read through this: But it's Fishjam specific, and it doesn't line up neatly with my app which is based on the old membrane video room repo ( Where does fly-global-services get specified in that case? I'm not explicitly setting a TURN_LISTEN_IP. I traced through things I think it could be here in turn_ip (and then the turn_mock_ip is my external IPv4 address)...
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web rtc engine and erlang clustering / load balancing

We are currently experiencing a problem where when we deploy our video room to production, which is a two node cluster (also with a load balancer in in front), the call drops for some people when another one joins, basically randomly. We know it's related to that because if we scale down to just one instance the calls work as expected. Any ideas what could be causing this?

WebRTC TURN TCP/TLS configuration issue

Hey! I'm loving the framework - using it in production with great success. We've got some users who (I think) are having trouble making the TURN connection to our server using UDP - typically these users are on restrictive corporate VPNs. My thought is that setting up our TCP/TLS TURN properly might help. I've set it up similar to this:

Syncing two streams from HLS source

Hi, I have two streams(coming from a unmuxed HLS stream): a video-only stream and an audio stream. Screenshot shows the beginning of my pipeline. From the kino_membrane graphs, it looks like they are producing buffers at very different rates(screenshots are of output pad). demuxer2 is the audio stream which seems to produce buffers at a much lower rate. ...
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Lowest latency h264 UDP video stream possible.

Hello, To give some context I am trying to replicate parts of what is doing using elixir, nerves and membrane. ...

Using Google meet as a source

Hi, I'm new to Membrane and have a question about its capabilities. I have a Google Meet URL that I can access using a headless browser, bot, or similar method. Is it possible to use this as a data source for Membrane? Does Membrane support reading from such dynamic sources? #googlemeet...

Background loop with sound effect playback on event

Hello, I'm using Membrane for background music playing locally (portaudio), and I want to be able to play sound effects at will (as in, not related to any timer, just events like pressing a key, for example). Would it make sense to have multiple pipelines, one for each sound effect? I think it would make more sense to have my background loop pipeline and a separate sound effect pipeline, which can play any of the various sound effects, but I'm not sure how that would work. Any help would be great, thanks!...

Retransmit received RTP packets in secure way

Hello! We are working on SFU at the moment and we want to receive RTP packet from one peer, and broadcast it to multiple "listeners". We doing following in the code (we do not match to track_id because there is only video we experimenting with): ```elixir @impl true def handle_info(...

membrane_webrtc_plugin: %Membrane.Buffer with pts: nil, dts: nil received from audio track.

Hello, and thank you for the great ecosystem of libraries! šŸ™ Currently, I'm working on SFU, which will utilize the membrane_webrtc_plugin to connect the streamer and the viewers. Everything is working pretty fine with video track. However, when I'm adding the audio one I'm starting to receive a bunch of errors, namely: 1) ArgumentError from membrane_realtimer_plugin, handle_buffer/4 function where it essentially tries to do subtraction from nil:...

Pipeline stuck at MP4 Demuxer

I'm trying to add fMP4 support to I've managed to send MP4 segments from that plugin and have this pipeline in my app: I can see that the mp4 segments are indeed coming through. If I write them to a file sink before demuxing, the files are written. But when connected to the ISOM demuxer, the pipeline doesn't seem to process any buffers. ...

how to create mp4 file chunks with File.Sink.Multi and ISOM

My goal is to create a file every few seconds of every few buffers. My approach was to modify File.Sink.Multi and ISOM, and I think Iā€™m close but Iā€™m seeing issues in all but the first file. All the secondary files have the wrong duration and are empty for the first portion of it. Has someone implemented this before? Is there a plugin I can use for this? Otherwise could someone give me some pointers on how to finish this? I believe I modified Multi correctly to handle Seek Sink events. Now with ISOM I finalize the mp4 whenever I get enough buffers, and send the actions. I believe the issue I have is around figuring out how to reset some of the state in the pad tracks so that the timing is correct without restring the tracks completely. Could I get some pointers around this and possibly the actions to send?...

Does Overlay plugin support 30 fps?

I'm interesting in using Membrane Overlay Plugin to do real-time video processing. However, after reading this discussion, the maintainer mentioned that Image library is not suitable for real-time frame processing (I assume this meant 30 fps because it is taking ~40ms per frame. ``` Full encode: 43ms ...

Live video effects in fishjam

Hey, I am curious about how possible it is to implement live effects into fishjam webrtc streams from the server using a custom endpoint with something like video-compositor in real time. How possible is this with membrane currently? Excuse the video but here is an example of an effect I am talking about

H265 choppy playback in QuickTime on Mac

I have issues with h265 files and I've reduced the bug to just demuxing and muxing an mp4. The input file plays fine in QuickTime, but the output plays with stutters. It does play fine in another player like IINA. See here for a simple demux/mux pipeline: QuickTime is a piece of garbage, but it's the default player for Mac users, so I can't get around it. Anyone experienced this, and resolved it somehow? Files below are input and output file respectively....

Error removing children group and starting new spec in a Bin

Iā€™m trying to remove a child group and start a new spec within a handle child notification within a bin. all the children are defined with refs like {:muxer, make_ref()} the children are also created in a group. The problem is that in that handle_child_notification, if I remove the group and the add the new spec at the same time, it fails with an error:...

How do I invoke Pipeline.handle_info from a Phoenix.WebChannel?

I'm trying to pass audio from a Phoenix Web Channel to a Pipeline. Also, are there any notify_child usage examples? I don't understand how to use Membrane.Pipeline.notify_child. Do I need to define it first? If so, what should the definition look like? Update: I was able to pass a message to the pipeline by making the following changes to my Channel handle_inlike so:...

Modifying pipeline after it has been started

I would like to create/remove additional children to the pipeline after it has start been started and is :playing. I was able to create children after pipeline started but I was wondering if it's fundamentally wrong to do so. Let's say I have this simple membrane pipeline where it reads from a file, pass it to a tee, and have a sink that writes to a file. ```elixir...