Andronix App


Andronix App

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While Installing kali linux

Decompressing Rootfs, please be patient. tar: kali-armhf/dev/console: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted tar: kali-armhf/dev/full: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted tar: kali-armhf/dev/tty: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted tar: kali-armhf/dev/random: Cannot mknod: Operation not permitted...

Kali Linux Vnc Server Error

Recently i installed kali linux in termux using andronix commands but when paste the vncserver-start command it show this error, please help
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ubuntu modded xfce browser cant play youtube video

#support-forum can you help with this issue? I already install anything, but this thing happen after upgraded firefox-esr from versoin 102.7 to version 128.5...
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Can't install termux

Ubuntu 22.04 modded os is not download, It is not loading, I give storage permission, I wait for hours, it is not loading.

Port can not be contacted

Hi everyone I keep getting the following message when trying to connect the vnc player. The port on which the computer is listening for a connection could not be contacted. Any help with this will be appreciated....

VNC EROR: "the computer domain name could not be resolved"

Canooct connect to vnc and getting this messege "the computer domain name could not be resolved" and im doingit from temux on android Adding screenshots For manjaro...
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VNC issues (I think)

hi, i setup alpine linux just like normal, and when i went to start the vnc server: localhost:~# vncserver-start nohup: appending output to nohup.out localhost:~#...

Problem with command line ./ for moded os

After entering this command line it said "bash: ./ No such file or directory" i dont know what to do
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Nodded Ubuntu XFCE won't install, permission denied

Downloading and Extracting Ubuntu XFCE Modded OS... error: "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/pv" has unexpected e_type: 2 tar: xz: Cannot exec: Permission denied tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now tar: Child returned status 2...

internet does not work.

I bought Ubuntu, but the internet doesn't work on the interface after installation.
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someone please help me

hi, im a person who wanted to install linux via this app and termux ofc. Termux wont work properly. im on the newest android version and my phone is a samsung A54 5G. everytime i execute the script to download linux it gives me this error following the picture here. #support
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Errors on 1st Run

I've attached a screen shot that shows the results from installing the Debian Modded OS. I observed no errors during installation, as confirmed by the resulting status message. Yet, when I execute the script, I get errors. I'm still mostly a noob, so I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting. TIA

Debian xfce

So yeah everything is on screenshot
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Modded OS Ubuntu XFCE

Hi, I purchased the modded Ubuntu OS but I'm having several issues with it. After the install and initial setup I first noticed that Firefox doesn't work, it doesn't seem to be able to navigate anywhere, every tab you open just has a "Gah. Your tab just crashed" error. VS Code won't start, just says permission denied. If I lock the machine it won't accept my password to unlock it. Synaptic package manager won't open. There's probably more but I haven't checked everything. Seems like there's something fundamentally wrong with this OS....

thunderbird error

#support #non-andronix-support hello everybody. Is anyone also having problems using Thunderbird? Does anyone have the solution? Debian modded OS distribution...
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