Create: Steam 'n' Rails


Create: Steam 'n' Rails

Create: Steam 'n' Rails Discord Server


Problem With Rail Textures Not Loading

I seem to be having a problem with the rail textures. On curved rails I will get a completely black section. It can load properly if I leave the chunk the rails are in, but then a different section will be black instead.
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My Train becomes invisible anytime i assemble it

I'm building a very large flyint boat which is supposed to go on phantom rails, but i can't assemble it, anytime i click assemble it becomes invisible
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game could not start while everything is up to date here's the crash report, the game launches but some tabs in the creative menu sometimes do not appear, thanks for any help

train stations no longer working and breaking my trains

so I tried disassembling a train of mine but it won't disassemble correctly. It'll leave behind a few blocks and bogies and it'll stay a train. All of the hitboxes on my chisel and bits creations are now broken and the bogies are messed up.
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Making new rails

I don't know if this is the right spot to post this, but I don't know where else. So, I'm working on an addon that adds a wood type matching that of the Copper Casing, and I want to have it compatible with Steam n Rails. I already have all of the textures made, but I was wondering how I would be able to add the different rails in my mod? I'm still somewhat new to modding and if someone had some sort of guide it would be really appreciated. Note: This is on Forge 1.20.1...

How can i put tracks

If i put one it doesn't put, it dissapear

Coupling makes my Train Conductor lose his Schedule, it just vanished,

I can't find back my schedules after recoupling, help xD

Vault support for the mod?

Hello, is there any way to integrate this mod into my existing economy running on Vault (Spigot)? Our server supports both Spigot and Forge.

What’s the IP?

Can someone tell me what the ip is please

Conductor SPAD glitch.

Hi, I play on a public server running All the Mods 9 version 0.2.56, and I've noticed a few times whenever trains start to get backed up on my single line railway (either due to a blockage or a signal forced at danger), sometimes a conductor-powered train will pass a signal set at danger and ram into the train ahead of it. I do not know what causes this. Most of the line isn't force-loaded. Small parts of the line run through the claimed chunks of other players but that doesn't interfere with regular train services....

train wont assemble, multiple errors, says "1 bogie" despite 2, train controls, deletes train casing

yall wtf lmao (posting a video hopefully you can see my frustration) [also the bogie wont place on the station indicator] -- --...

Numismatics items and/or tab not appearing in creative.

I have come across an issue several times where the Numismatics tab doesn't appear. When it does, it is missing an array of items. I could have the tab and be missing 4/6 coin types or missing the bank terminal, etc. I am not sure if someone already asked about this but I figured I'd bring the issue up since I have what I think is the most recent version. I apologize if this is solved or I am just using an old version. IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE: -THE ITEMS APPEAR IN THE SEARCH MENU, BUT THEY AREN'T LISTED AS NUMISMATICS ITEMS...

Conductor's cap not rendering correctly

The cap looks wonky with one layer on top of the head and one bellow. I tried with and without my resource packs and hat layer and also asked someone else on the server and they said it also looked like that for them. Also has this effect on conductors
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Help setting up Numismatics compat with Open Parties and Claims

I've tried and searched for a proper way to do this, however I have come up with nothing. So far I've added all the vendor blocks and depositors to the Open Parties and Claims exception list, however, this only allows purchases with coins and not buying blocks. If anyone is able to supply me with the correct way to go about this, please let me know....

Recipes do not display in recipe viewing mods such as JEI

The recipies seem to function at least the ones I can remember or discover but most of them cannot be checked even though they appear in the list on the right side of the inventory. Doesn't seem to make a difference with any other mods installed, deleted configs etc. Is there a list somewhere of all the recipes or at the very least could I get one for the monorail tracks? Thanks.

Cannot invoke "com.simibubi.create.content.trains.graph.TrackEdge.getTrackMaterial()" because "point

My Server crashes on startup with this error, it is supposed to be fixed according to github, but I still get this issue I made a post on the Creators of Create Github as well, see this link: