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DB Latency

Hi everyone. On our Coder instance, we've been experiencing Coder-DB latency that triggers disconnects on workspaces. I believe we have an overload of database operations that are flooding postgres. The usual log we see is this: `2025-01-23 18:47:21.790 [info] coderd: disconnected possibly outdated agent workspace_id=xxxx agent_id=xxxx request_id=xxxx ... error= fetch object:*querier).GetWorkspaceByID.fetch[...].func1 /home/runner/work/coder/coder/coderd/database/dbauthz/dbauthz.go:522...

Devcontainer starting is taking really long / multiple times building the Dockerfile?

Hi, I have created a template from the starter "Docker (Devcontainer)" one and just selected home assistant for testing purposes. Creating the workspace takes really long and from the logs it seems like its building the dockerfile multiple times? Is this intended?...

Docker in workspace

I can't seem to run docker containers inside a running workspace. I get an error:
service docker start
/etc/init.d/docker: 62: ulimit: error setting limit (Invalid argument)
service docker start
/etc/init.d/docker: 62: ulimit: error setting limit (Invalid argument)

startup_script not working when using GitLab CI template management

When I create the template directly on Coder UI and start a workspace, everything is fine. However, when I set-up GitLab CI to push the exact same template, create the workspace, the startup_script prompts an error. Here's the startup_script: startup_script = <<EOF #!/bin/sh...

Profiles/settings gone cross browser/device

Hello Friends, I’ve been running with code-sever for the last few weeks, which has been great for the most part. I do have one issue though, when opening code server from a different browser or a different browser on a different device all of the settings and installed extensions in profiles are gone. And when I restart code server service the first device/browser also becomes messed up in that sense....

Auth with Github

I'm trying to follow these instructions to get Github auth going so I can use git into a private repo (please correct me, if this isn't what it is meant for): However, when I add the code similar to what the instructions offer in my workspace template:...

Permission Issues on fresh containers

Hello! I just set up my coder project, and created a workspace with the default Devcontainers (docker) template. It created successfully, but when I opened the project in vscode, I kept getting no permission errors when trying to create files. So I checked the permissions in the terminal, and the project was created with root as the owner. Any ideas why the permissions aren't being set correctly by default?
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Envbox in kubernetes, cgroup permission issue.

When I create workspace with the Kubernetes (Envbox) template it throws errors about not being able to write to cgroup. I haven't changed anything in the template.

Define custom subdomain for app to use with vars.

I want my app to use a specific subdomain. More specificly the workspace name. Is something like that posible? ```terraform resource "coder_app" "open-web" {...

coder_agent shutdown / coder_script run_on_stop not working

Hi, I'm creating a set of script to run on start and stop. Start scripts run as expected, but run_on_stop scripts (or shutdown) not executing, there is my code ``` resource "coder_script" "manage_account" {...

Workspaces are seemingly not persisting data whatsoever.

Hi all. To keep things brief: when I create a workspace off of the "Docker Containers" starter template and save any files to my home directory (/home/coder), the files are totally lost after the workspace restarts. It is my understanding from reading docs that this is not supposed to be happening, and it's certainly not how I remember Coder behaving in the past. This is happening on a totally fresh Coder install (same behavior on coder server and a Docker run or docker-compose install). I'm n...
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Should terraform init run on every deploy?

I've done an init locally to generate a terraform.lock.hcl and pushed that, but I can see that on every deploy Coder is running an init that's taking ~4-5 seconds, at least 3 of which is installing providers, which seems excessive if the providers had been cached locally from a previous run on a machine with an SSD. I'm fairly new to terraform but I thought that if these were in place it should be able to skip that and go straight to plan/apply? My current deployment is running off the coder:v2.18.2 docker image....
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Need different OIDC redirect URL from the `CODER_ACCESS_URL`

Continuation of my intro here The reason for this being I have two ways for users to access my environment. One is a direct domain (internal network -- foo.internal) and the other is an MFA authentication enforced domain (external network -- foo.external). Only authenticated users can traverse foo.external. This prohibits workspaces and the other Coder services because they cannot authenticate. As a result I must set the CODER_ACCESS_URL value to foo.internal. I'd also like users to be able to come in on foo.external. The issue here being when a user tries to log in via OIDC, the redirect URL is set to CODER_ACCESS_URL (which is foo.internal in this situation), not the desired incoming domain of foo.external. This leads to a State mismatched error when the user is redirected back to foo.internal/api/v2/users/oidc/callback..., despite coming in on foo.external. I see two potential solutions:...

[Paid Help Wanted] Complete Setup Guide for Laravel Project

I’m looking for someone who can dedicate a few hours to help me set up Coder for my Laravel project. We’re considering using either Docker Containers or Laravel Forge for the setup. We’ve run into a bunch of errors that we couldn’t find solutions for on GitHub or through online searches. If you have experience with Coder, Docker, or Laravel Forge and are available to assist, please let me know your rates and availability, and the payment method. Thanks a lot!...

Terminal Theme

Hi is there a way to change the terminal theme of workspaces?

Parameter validation

We are trying to use parameter validation with a "coder_param" that has no default value. We use the cli tool to push the template in our gitlab ci. Unfortunately this seems to be impossible as the cli runs terraform plan which fails due to an empty parameter. Has anybody found a solution to this? Am I missing something obvious?...

Cannot create new directories using terminal

I am trying to install new extensions for my students using Docker terminal but I think the coder version my superior prof gave me set a restriction somewhere

Starting workspaces on Koyeb

Could anyone give me any guidance on getting code-server going on a koyeb instance? I'm not particularly experience in terraform, so have tried to modify some of the other templates. I'm able to create the instance, but always getting some kind of deployment error starting up the container....

Issue running on Mac M Series?

I just installed coder, and I got this error when I tried to run a dev container template: Error: Incompatible provider version Provider v1.0.0 does not have a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64....

Docker Pipe Permission Issues with WSL when running Coder in Docker

@Phorcys Here is the thread. I am struggling to get permissions working with coder user on WSL. So far two things worked: 1. Make all images run in root user....