ContentCreator - YouTube & Twitch Content Creators


ContentCreator - YouTube & Twitch Content Creators

A community for content creators across platforms, including YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Instagram, Spotify, and more.


Subtitles annoy the hell outta me but they’re good for engagement

Heya, so I’ve been “consistently” making (gaming) videos for the past few months or so and while I enjoy making them for the most part, the one thing that really REALLY annoys the ever living sh!t out of me is…. Subtitles‼️ They take so long to do (and make ‘em look nice) and its very tedious aswell😵‍💫 ...

Don't know how to start Variety and getting a followin base to atleast have some people When i try t

I want to be a Variety streamer/ youtuber I take inspiration from Joe Bartolozzi, but I do not know how to start, I feel when I hit start live nobody will be there, i will then not know what to say ik i have to like comment what im thinking, but I feel that will be difficult without anybody in the chat. I'm 15 and ive been wanting to be a streamer then post on youtube, I also heard a lot of people say to get clips post on tiktok. I'm not sure how I am going to get clips from anything I may play...

Need help creating a name

So I’m gonna start streaming some art videos and once I sort a mic out properly some just chatting videos too and maybe some gaming streams as well but before I can do all that I need a name but I have no idea what to call myself so any help is appreciated

shorts always die off at around 450 views

Heya, My shorts always die off around 450 views, and I struggle to figure out why. Any advice appreciated...
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Monetizing my audience

I currently have 10k subscribers, 320k+ views a month from long form videos... But the money from ad revenue is too little for me. I am really wondering some monetization techniques. The patreon makes me around $40 a month as well. My audience is very tight-knit right now. I've seen guys with similar analytics to me able to make at least 4 figures a month from coaching calls or marketing. I am an advice channel with comedian flavours, maybe a podcast?? Maybe reach out to sponsors? Idk...

Streaming on two platforms

Hey, im sorry if this has already been askeked.. i was just wondering how do you stream on twitch and tiktok at the same time? Is there any websites anyone could recommend?...

Heya, I need advice about filming equipment/technique/tips

I run a channel focused on modeltrain content and need advice regarding filming equipment. For now I decided to stick to my phone as it's decent, but I want to add smooth pan shots to my videos, so I figure I need a tripod and maybe one or two proper lights. It would be really cool if I could change the color of the lights to represent different times of day, but I doubt that's a feature most studio lights are going to offer....

I know this is not the group for Nvidia but I don't have other choices.

My Instant replay can manually capture highlights, but it can't automatically capture it. I tried to figure out from youtube for a day but none of them worked. Can someone help me with this? I would be so grateful to see someone help me even if it doesn't work
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How do I Decide on a Posting Schedule (interval)? • What do I do When I Mess That Up?

context: I'd like to post different posts across multiple platforms. Such as selfies/outfits on insta. Tiktok with casual/light hearted media and trends. youtube with actual main content like full length videos etc. (im aiming to be a fashion based/casual content creator). but i dont know how to organize a schedule. i dont think i could keep up with a crowded schedule (especially in the beginning) because of personal reasons and lack of knowledge. but i also dont want to post rarely as i want my friends to know generally when i do things in case they want to support me....

What type of content should I produce out of these two options?

1. commentary about current drama/events in the online content creator/influencer world. I explain the situation, analyze it and then provide my opinion. (e.g. some youtuber going to court for criminal charges or a scandal involving youtube not paying out how much they're supposed to). 2. Doing in depth breakdowns/explanation of financial/economic events but with a much more entertainment heavy style than your typical educational videos. (e.g. Discussing the Global Financial Crisis and how it affected people, or how money worked in ancient Greece, or how a certain group of people were able to steal a large sum of money from the government, etc)...


Would anyone care to teach me how to record cut commentary videos? I'm new to voice recording, I can edit videos and everything, I'm just scared to try and do a commentary video.

[SOLVED] 0 views on youtube

the 4 views are me and one friend i share the video with, this is the first long video i will post and having 0 is not encouraging why is that ?
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[SOLVED] Need a tiny bit of help with the css code for my chat overlay.

So I have my chat displayed in my DIY overlay, and so far I have been able to make the background transparent, and change the font, but I need to apply transformative effects to the text. The problem is when I add that part of the css to my code, it effects the chatter's name, but what is actually being chatted, and I need that to be the other way around. Any advice? Here is my current code:...

I'm trying to hit partner before I leave for twitch con San Diego

But I don't know if it will matter because I don't know if I can change my status on the pass if someone knows if it is possible please can they let me know

Do people still like skits

Would you click and watch on something like this
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question i post skits in long form and i cut some of those up and turn into shorts as of recently i have been taking parts from my twitch streams and turning them into shorts as well . just wanted to know if this would be hurting my channel or not when it comes to YouTube tryna show my content. like im growing off of some of these clips but i dont want it to completely shift the main skit audience im aiming for .
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I need help

Looking for someone that can do animation rotoscope