Please remove Portal's div wrapper...

I don't understand why <Portal> wrap my component in new div... Is there no way to remove it??
13 Replies
jesseb34r2y ago
I'm not sure exactly how it works but there is a mount prop that might allow you to change how that works? That being said, why is wrapping in a div that big of a deal for you?
musiclover2y ago
It makes div wrapper even if mount is provided. It's problem, for example my component has css style already like position: absolute, Then wrapping it as div is a problem.
jesseb34r2y ago
which component has position: absolute that isn't working for you? I am working on a modal component using <Portal /> rn that has no issue with absolute positioning and styling
jesseb34r2y ago
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musiclover2y ago
The mount prop get Node. Should I use like getElementById () to pass prop to mount?
jesseb34r2y ago
Idk honestly, the docs don’t make it obvious and I haven’t messed around with it enough to figure it out
musiclover2y ago
Can you show me example not in "document.body"? Sure putting in document.body with aboslution positon isn't problem. But if you want to put Portal in deep nested div, Wrapping div is a problem.
jesseb34r2y ago
Wym putting it in a deep nested div. Like you want to portal the component to a different section of the dom?
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musiclover2y ago
Because sometime I want to put certain point, my app is using transform "scale" at main div, so putting Portal to body is not ideal. in Vue, Portal didn't need to be used document.body, and didn't make wrapper div
lxsmnsyc2y ago
Portals require an Element to be mounted to (through mount). If nothing is provided, a div is created at the end of the body and the children of the Portal is appended to that div React requires an element Vue doesn't have portals unless you're referring to a 3P
Some Call Me Tim
I also am not a fan of having a ton of non styled div's (or styled divs waiting to be mounted) thanks to Portals, so I sometimes do a hack where I intercept the ref and manually add styles to it.
ref={(el) => {
el.classList.add('absolute l-5');
ref={(el) => {
el.classList.add('absolute l-5');
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Unknown User2y ago
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