My Welcome Message And Auto Role Doesn't Work
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I can tell you that you're using
which means that you're probably just not finding the channel or guild because it was never added to the cache. You should fetch the items you need12 Replies
"does't work" what do you mean by this @AlphaMinedime?
need more details
It does not show any error, or it does not send the message in the dizzy server.
Have you tried to debug?
There's a lot going on. Try to hardcode values in places and see if it works
No, sorry, idk how 😅
I highly suggest using log statements or using the debugger built into visual studio code and looking for places that your code isn't doing what you think it's doing
I can tell you that you're using
which means that you're probably just not finding the channel or guild because it was never added to the cache. You should fetch the items you needOk, I will. Thank you. Please keep this open just in case please.
I don't control if this is open or not. Please make sure to mark the answer when you verify it is resolved
Ok, can someone help me with the console.error?
it does not log anything
I don't get what you mean
So, basically, I will show you.
So I will test it on a bot rq.
It worked :D
Thank you so much :)