The argument did not resolve to emoji

Hi, I am using sapphire v3.1.4 currently. I have created a message command where users need to provide 2 or more emojis, so I utilize the built-in emoji argument of sapphire, however when I test the command and pass twemojis, it raises the error I posted in title (see 2nd screenshot). I am a bit confused why it happens. If anyone can guide me in right direction, it would be immensely appreciated. Thank you for reading. ablobcatheartsqueeze
10 Replies
Favna•2y ago
That is weird. When I run the underlying code manually it works just fine
Favna•2y ago
owoer•2y ago
weird indeed so i solved it by accepting input as string built-in type and then parsing it afterwards so looks like there is no built-in emoji argument in sapphire 3.1.4? nothing here
Favna•2y ago
Stable branch is not 3.1.4
owoer•2y ago
Favna•2y ago
framework/src/lib/resolvers at v3.1.4 · sapphiredev/framework
Discord bot framework built on top of discord.js for advanced and amazing bots. - framework/src/lib/resolvers at v3.1.4 · sapphiredev/framework
owoer•2y ago
ok my bad
Favna•2y ago
You may be confused by how DJS handles stable branch. That's not how we do it. Our stable branch is currently the old V2 branch from when main had v3
owoer•2y ago
yeah i got a bit confused by the tag that shows next to branch name in gh web ui, sorry 😄
Favna•2y ago
That button is added Refined Github and it's a button to go to the tree of that tag