Get content as resolved tags

Couldn't figure out how to title it, but I'd like to take a message like hey @<213123123> look in channel <#1037547185492996208> and get that as it's resolved version so like hey joe look in channel #updog - Is there a DiscordJS function to do that? Thanks!
There's a .cleanContent variable pog
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14 Replies
Favna17mo ago
Maybe userMention and channelMention functions? Top level export in v14, under Formatters in v13. You'll need to do some regex parsing I think?
Krish17mo ago
there was something in v12 iirc idk about 13/14
Rhys17mo ago
There's a .cleanContent variable pog
Rhys17mo ago
Not sure how I missed that but that solves it for me
Favna17mo ago
Oh I guess I misunderstood the question
Rhys17mo ago
The wording on the question was a bit rough to be fair, I wasn't sure how to phrase it
Ben17mo ago
Just an FYI, I know that relied on the cache in v12 and would occasionally not get usernames. I’m not sure if that’s changed since.
Rhys17mo ago
Thanks for the heads up, I’ll take a peek at the source code and see if that’s the case
Rhys17mo ago
discord.js/Util.js at main · discordjs/discord.js
A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API - discord.js/Util.js at main · discordjs/discord.js
Rhys17mo ago
Yep looks like it only does cached users
Krish17mo ago
btw any specific reason for using cleanContent?
generally, people use it for the repeat command, if your use case is similar then why don't you use disable mentions with the allowedMentions option?
Rhys17mo ago
Not sure what the repeat command is but im using it to fix the bug seen on this page for example where it’s mentioning the ID instead of the user
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Rhys17mo ago
Technically it’d be better to keep it in that format and parse it into the mentions on the server before sending it to the page but for now this approach should work
Krish17mo ago
Makes sense