uninstlling @sapphire
How do i uninstall this so that it stops loading as a dependency.
I've run
multiple times and everytime i run
@sapphire is always in the list of node_modules..
9 Replies
Show your package.json
You are probably using some other sapphire package
if not the try yeeting the node modules folder before npm i
No happens on a fresh install
Here's a link to a video of what is happening
i just need to know how to unstall sapphire or were to remove all relation to it.
It's pretty silly that npm uninstall @sapphire/framework doesn't uninstall anything
lol it's discord.js which uses sapphire packages internally
it's not the sapphire framework
What do you have against sapphire though
Also this one btw. https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/blob/main/packages/rest/package.json#L58
And builders depends on shapeshift so in total there should always be 3 sapphire packages installed.
same question
you misspelt main