How do I use autocompleteRun on subcommands?

^ As the title says. I can't seem to figure out how subcommands can have autocompleteRun implemented. I'm not too worried about duplicates, since there is only one subcommand that uses autocomplete.
Doesn't matter. You still just do ```ts public override autocompleteRun(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) { const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); if ( === 'the subcommand with autocomplete') {...
thad404d ago
Yeah, but that's for an InteractionHandler, right? Is it possible to use autocompleteRun in a subcommand class without creating a separate InteractionHandler in a different file?
Favna404d ago
Doesn't matter. You still just do
public override autocompleteRun(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) {
const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand();
if ( === 'the subcommand with autocomplete') {
if (interaction.options.getFocused() === 'the option with subcommand') {
// do stuff for the specific option
public override autocompleteRun(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) {
const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand();
if ( === 'the subcommand with autocomplete') {
if (interaction.options.getFocused() === 'the option with subcommand') {
// do stuff for the specific option
thad404d ago
Ah, ok, that works - thanks
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