
❔ how to listen to the output of a virtual audio device on windows using C#?

how to listen to the output of a virtual audio device on windows using C# to save the raw audio stream to a music file such as .wav?
Accord397d ago
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Casper396d ago
I have succeded in recording the sound using naudio however there is a lot of static noise
Kouhai /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\396d ago
@casper Does the static exist if you record with audacity for example?
Casper396d ago
I have not tried with audacity yet. I can hear the music in the recording though it is muffled by static noise so I suspect the sampling rate or similar to he wrong in naudio. Windows says it output 24 bit 44khz 2ch So I have tried that and other combinations
Kouhai /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\396d ago
Hmm, It's most likely sampling rate I think best option would be record with audacity and check how it sounds
Casper396d ago
Yeah I think so Do you know if naudio does post process on the audio because I need to keep it as original as possible since I will stream it to another device.
Kouhai /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\396d ago
No it doesn't, naudio is pretty low level tbh
Casper396d ago
Accord395d ago
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