TypeError piace.aliases is not iterable

Good afternoon, I mixed such a strange code as best I could. My task was to add a button to the message with a built-in embed, but it's not clear why I get an error in the console, please give me an answer what I did wrong :). Code and error below. const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, } = require("@discordjs/builders") const { Command, Piece, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework'); const { ButtonStyle, InteractionType } = require("discord.js"); class Embed extends Command { constructor(ctx, context, options) { super(ctx, context, { ...options, InteractionHandlerType: InteractionHandlerTypes.Button }); }
registerApplicationCommands(registry) { registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) => builder.setName('rules').setDescription('description') ); } async chatInputRun(interaction,client) { const button = new ButtonBuilder() .setCustomId("rulesrp") .setLabel(label) .setStyle(ButtonStyle.Primary); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('title') .setDescription(descriptiom) .setTimestamp() const embed2 = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('title') .setDescription(desciption) .setTimestamp() const embed3 = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle('title') .setDescription(description)

interaction.channel.send({ embeds: [embed,embed2,embed3]}, {components: [ActionRowBuilder(),addComponents(button)]}) } } module.exports = { Embed, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder } D:Файлы\Project 1\node_modules@sapphire\pieces\dist\lib\structures\AliasStore.js:58 for (const key of piece.aliases) { ^
Good afternoon, I mixed such a strange code as best I could. My task was to add a button to the message with a built-in embed, but it's not clear why I get an error in the console, please give me an answer what I did wrong :). Code and error below. const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, } = require("@discordjs/builders") const { Command, Piece, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework'); const { ButtonStyle, InteractionType } = require("discord.js");...
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Favna392d ago
Please use codeblocks: ```js const Discord = require("discord.js"); // further code ``` becomes
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// further code
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// further code
Inline Code: `console.log('inline!');` becomes console.log('inline!'); ------------------------
Favna392d ago
At any rate, this is a complete jumble of code. the error occurs when you try to construct a class in a folder that that class does not belong you extend class but then you specify InteractionHandlerType which doesn't exist on classes, suggesting you actually want to write an interaction handler. Read our user guide https://www.sapphirejs.dev
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Sapphire is a next-gen Discord bot framework for developers of all skill levels to make the best JavaScript/TypeScript based bots possible.
Favna392d ago
also you have a typo here. You should really sanity read your own code a bit better.
Ararou392d ago
what am I even looking at im pretty sure that’s not how you extend command oh I spotted another one
Ararou392d ago
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