
❔ Show values from a list in a datagridview getting source from bindingsource

Hello! I have the following problem: I am currently developing a winforms app with a datagridview that takes its information from a bindingsource. In this bindingsource i have multiple objects based on my materials class. Every material have two variables, one for its name and a list for other objects that each material should have. Every material have the same number of objects in this list and they all have the same name. I cant seem to figure out how to do this however.
MasterSubarashii392d ago
can you provide some code and screenshots? or try DataGridView.DataSource=bindingsource.ToList();
Nobody392d ago
Well I think i was rather unclear with what I wrote. I will include some screenshots what will hopefully explain it better. I have this class MaterialModel with represents different materials.
Nobody392d ago
Nobody392d ago
The consumables is a list of consumablemodels, which needs a value, name and unit. Its to string method gives back its value and unit.
Nobody392d ago
Nobody392d ago
My datagridview takes a list of material models which it puts into its bindingsource. I get the following output to it:
Nobody392d ago
Nobody392d ago
For each of these materials (test1, test2, test4) I would like its consumables to appear next to them, but also maintain that it material models since I have implemented the method to remove materials by clicking them and hitting a button. It is connected to a pgsql database which stores the materials and retrieves them Here is the method that loads all the materials into the list which is later used in the bindingsource
List<MaterialModel> materials = new List<MaterialModel>();

using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM AllInformationConsumables";
cmd.Connection = conn;
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
MaterialModel material = new MaterialModel();
material.Consumables = new List<ConsumableModel>(); //Vi hämtar data härifrån fast det är null, need to fix.
material.Name = reader.GetString(0);
for(int i = 1; i <= reader.FieldCount-1; i++)
ConsumableModel con = new ConsumableModel();
con.Name = reader.GetName(i); //DENNA FUCKAR ALLT, var off by one error :D
string[] valueUnit = reader.GetString(i).Split(" ");
con.Value = Convert.ToDouble(valueUnit[0]);
con.Unit = valueUnit[1];


return materials;
List<MaterialModel> materials = new List<MaterialModel>();

using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM AllInformationConsumables";
cmd.Connection = conn;
using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
MaterialModel material = new MaterialModel();
material.Consumables = new List<ConsumableModel>(); //Vi hämtar data härifrån fast det är null, need to fix.
material.Name = reader.GetString(0);
for(int i = 1; i <= reader.FieldCount-1; i++)
ConsumableModel con = new ConsumableModel();
con.Name = reader.GetName(i); //DENNA FUCKAR ALLT, var off by one error :D
string[] valueUnit = reader.GetString(i).Split(" ");
con.Value = Convert.ToDouble(valueUnit[0]);
con.Unit = valueUnit[1];


return materials;
Accord391d ago
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