❔ error attaching script (unity)

this error appears when trying to attach the script, does anyone know how to solve it?
TheRanger392d ago
open the cs file and show us how it looks like
PH392d ago
the script?
TheRanger392d ago
PH392d ago
ero392d ago
ReallyMad did they have to call it "script" such bullshit
PH392d ago
the code is empty because I'm just testing it, but when it was full the same error occurred
TheRanger392d ago
hmm iirc this file should be in a folder called Scripts inside the folder Assets
PH392d ago
ho... How do I put it where it should be?
TheRanger392d ago
right click on the where the red circle is
TheRanger392d ago
TheRanger392d ago
there should be a choice called Create Folder or something name it Scripts then drag the estudo2 file to that folder
PH392d ago
the error persists
PH392d ago
PH392d ago
is there some missing component maybe?
Accord391d ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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