
❔ Project structure

1. In my Solution there should be only 1 Project right? Unless its a big App 2. I started using folders in my Project 1 for all interfaces, 1 for all the Items lets say, 1 for all the character types(player,monster,npc) and so on. Is there a better way to structure your project? 3. I created a GitHub acc. Now I wanna structure the Projects that I wanna show off to companies but also keep other projects private (small projects or stuff I don´t wanna show to other people) Is it even a good idea to link my github to companies because I saw that they could see my commit history and every change made (some of my commits are dumb since I am also playing around getting to know git a bit more)... 4. Same as 3. but local project structure. So since I just started I have lots of different "small" projects. Kind of embarassing if I would put them all on my github repo. But they have little cool implementations that I would want to have access to lets say maybe even at work. How would you guys go about this? Thanks in advance!
Pobiega387d ago
1: its very common with more than one project, but usually just one "entrypoint project" (a console app, webapi, desktop app.. something you run) and one or more libraries and/or test projects. 2: thats one way to do it, but many prefer to order things not by what they are (interfaces), and rather by what they are related to (grouping everything related to a feature) 3: github has private and public projects. If you dont wanna show it, keep it private. 4: stick em all in one big repository, and keep it private?
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
1. Generally try to separate some stuff into two projects minimum Like Core and GUI (Web, CLI, etc.) Otherwise, it's all up to yourself 3. Recruiters won't look at commit histories and evaluate file differences Even if they noticed "weird" commits, you should see the commits in enterprise codebases when someone tries to fix CI/CD stuff and similar. "Add CI/CD file", "Fix CI/CD", "This should work now", "Now it should work", "fix", ... kek 4. For code snippets that you would like to have available publicly, you can use github gists
fateos387d ago
oh wow they changed it? I was pretty sure that github repo is always public if you dont have a subscription then that question is obsolete okey I will look into github gists. But I just need it for myself so it can be private
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
With GitHub Free for personal accounts and organizations, you can work with unlimited collaborators on unlimited public repositories with a full feature set, or unlimited private repositories with a limited feature set.
Not sure why they put used "or" instead of "and" Though I am a GitHub Pro user and always have been, so I cant really tell tbh
Pobiega387d ago
before MS took over, it was... 5 private projects max and they were limited
fateos387d ago
have u used the github co pilot with the new chatgpt 4?
Pobiega387d ago
copilot X? thats in technical preview, very few people have access
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
no, I really dislike copilot for copilot x I have joined the waiting list tho to have a peek
fateos387d ago
I will start working in 2 weeks and that would be a cool feature to use since it will know all the classes in ur solution and that would help me understand the code better
Pobiega387d ago
If you are new, stay the fuck away from AI tools
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
And publicly distribute your company's codebase KEKW
fateos387d ago
xD I thought its local?
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
No, it's communicating back and forth with github and all queries are api calls
fateos387d ago
locally implemented in visual studio I mean
Pobiega387d ago
not at all the clientside is just a thin client wrapper
fateos387d ago
damn guys I had my hopes up
Monsieur Wholesome387d ago
no hope with ai!
fateos387d ago
back to learning then my motivation just sparked up learning with this new book headfirst design pattern makes me look super stupid I hope by then AI catches up
Pobiega387d ago
Don't rely too much on it. Like, they are cool, and can speed things up... but just blindly hitting "accept solution" when you dont understand what it does is a biiiig no-no
fateos387d ago
no its not about accepting the solution
Pobiega387d ago
remember, AIs dont actually know how to code. They just have really large amounts of data gathered.
fateos387d ago
it would be about understanding the code because it knows about all the references so far from what I have seen with chatgpt it can describe a code snippet very well
Pobiega387d ago
We'll see. The demo they did for that seemed very limited.
fateos387d ago
the normal 3.5 one that is available for public
Pobiega387d ago
I meant the VS integrated Copilot X thing ChatGPT I don't trust one bit after seeing some code it suggested 😛
fateos387d ago
I use it for specific cases where I already have the bug in the code xD cant go worse than it already is only better
Pobiega387d ago
Oh yes it can 😛
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