How do I test this behavior?

I want to test the following behavior but I think there's no DOM tree here, right? When we're testing SolidJS components how do I visualize the current tree?
describe("Turnstile Component", () => {
it("renders the Turnstile component", () => {
createRoot(() => {
const container = (
<Turnstile sitekey="" onToken={(t) => {}} />
) as HTMLDivElement;

console.log("SCRIPT: ", document.querySelector("#turnstile-script")); // null, onMount creates an element with the id="turnstile-script"
describe("Turnstile Component", () => {
it("renders the Turnstile component", () => {
createRoot(() => {
const container = (
<Turnstile sitekey="" onToken={(t) => {}} />
) as HTMLDivElement;

console.log("SCRIPT: ", document.querySelector("#turnstile-script")); // null, onMount creates an element with the id="turnstile-script"
26 Replies
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
How are you testing this? I would advise to use vitest + jsdom + @solidjs/testing-library using jsdom as environment, you can expect a dom tree (though timing might be an issue).
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Hmmm I'm only using vitest, I'll take a look 💪 Do you have any example that already incorporates both? Any github repo Already found it
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
I think I got this 💪 Thanks
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
If you have any issues with our testing-library, please ping me, I'm the maintainer 🙂
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
@lexlohr This is not related to the library, but I'm pretty much stuck. I'm trying to test a <script> that is loaded async and is injected on the head of the DOM tree. This script is suposed to fetch the turnstile widget and then I can execute window.turnstile.render. The test hangs on loading the scripts (5 seconds limit) Do you have any experience when testing something like this?
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
Testing library has waitFor for those cases.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
const scriptTag = document.head.querySelector("#turnstile-script");

const scriptLoadPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
console.log("scriptTag: ", scriptTag?.id);
scriptTag?.addEventListener("load", () => {

await waitFor(() => scriptLoadPromise, { timeout: 5000 });
const scriptTag = document.head.querySelector("#turnstile-script");

const scriptLoadPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
console.log("scriptTag: ", scriptTag?.id);
scriptTag?.addEventListener("load", () => {

await waitFor(() => scriptLoadPromise, { timeout: 5000 });
Yeah! The turnstile isn't injected into the window object Maybe this isn't possible to test? window behaves differently on jest env?
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
Not that much usually.
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
solid-primitives/ at main · solidjs-community/solid-primit...
A library of high-quality primitives that extend SolidJS reactivity. - solid-primitives/ at main · solidjs-community/solid-primitives
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Deam Pretty neat Will check it out
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
Hope it'll help. We try to cover all the bases 😉
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Hehe I've seen 🙂 Currently using lot of solid, it's been an awesome experience!
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
Happy to hear that.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Really love using the Real DOM, then I can just hammer on the gsap and other client-side libraries Yeah! It isn't injecting the turnstile property on window
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
You can use onError to check if something went amiss.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
I gave up I'll try later on 🥲
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
I'll be back in ~5h, if you want, I can do some pair-programming with you then.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Ups! I'm sorry just answering now. Well that would be awesome. If you're still up to!
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
I'm currently a bit busy, will ping you when I'm ready.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago
OK, I'm available now. At least for the next 30-45 minutes.
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Alright! What voice channel should we go?
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr•15mo ago That's my personal GoToMeeting (until this year, I developed on that product myself).
Guilherme Rosado
Guilherme Rosado•15mo ago
Uh nice!
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