
❔ whats the best site or youtube channel to start learning c#?

just downloaded visual studio and wanted to know what would be the best way to learn C#
Florian Voß384d ago
need to know more about you. Whats your prior knowledge and skills, what are your goals, smth like that have you done any programming before? if you have, I suggest learning form the official microsoft docs, you should be able to pick it up
SG97384d ago
_maxgold384d ago
ive always wanted to program but never made the time to. id like to make games
Pixel384d ago
HOW TO PROGRAM - Getting Started!
Coding can seem scary at first - but it's actually not that hard! Let's learn how to program in C#. ► SIGN UP FOR JASON'S COURSES: https://game.courses/gamearch/ ● Download VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/ ● Download .NET: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/ 👕Get the new Brackeys Hoodie: https://lineofcode.io/ ·······························...
Pixel384d ago
it's what got me into C# and showed me the basics, but it's not complete and you shouldn't rely on it for 100% of your knowledge this along side with some googling and the microsoft docs should be a good start
Buddy384d ago
I wouldn't recommend Youtube courses at all. Especially Brackeys
Pixel384d ago
fair enough
Buddy384d ago
Brackeys are more oriented towards Unity. If someone was teaching beginners they wouldn't teach people to use VSCode as that is possibly one of the worst choices you could recommend beginners for a code editor regarding C#.
Pixel383d ago
how so? i've been using VS Code for all my projects from when i was a begineer to this day and i haven't had any editor-specific issues, only time i used an IDE was when i tried out avalonia
Buddy383d ago
Because everything with VSCode is done manually. You need to know dotnet CLI. Also it has some insane bugs around it that makes you unable to trust the editor Showing errors on random lines, etc.
Pixel383d ago
ok yeah now that you say it omnisharp support has been pretty buggy as of late unfortunatly i don't have any other legal options 🤷
Buddy383d ago
Practice makes perfect. Do random apps, while reading documentation.
Pixel383d ago
of course
Buddy383d ago
If you get stuck, you look it up and learn. Repeat.
Pixel383d ago
experience is something you can only gain going out there and making stuff
Buddy383d ago
A lot of people get stuck in course hell (not all of them)
Pixel383d ago
i got stuck wayy too many time in youtube course hell, googling and reading docs gets so much more information so much more quickly
damedame383d ago
do you mind book recommendations? if not then, 👇🏾
damedame383d ago
damedame383d ago
also this if you like unity, 👇🏾
damedame383d ago
Florian Voß383d ago
many good beginner courses I've seen emphasize using vscode. That helps getting used to essential dotnet cli commands and management of package and project references manually the one I had started with fom Scott Allen on pluralsight.com years ago did so too, I've sticked with vscode ever since it also teaches you how a c# project actually works, I've seen people use visual studio who never heard of a .csproj file having to do it manually makes you really understand it, thats my opinion
Accord375d ago
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