C#big OOF

ā” QuestionController

Hello, i have a question regarding API structure. I have two classses, Item and Store. I created CRUD endpoints for both. Lets say i want to be able to return a store including all the items related to that store, and also be able to to POST a store with items. Would you create a seperate controller for these endpoints, for example StoreIemController containing PostStoreWithItems/GetAllStoresWithItems or use existing Store/ItemController? Thanks in advance šŸ™‚
Dustyā€¢383d ago
Wouldn't that be a good fit for nesting? Like GET /Store/{storeId}/Items Same for post
big OOFā€¢383d ago
Souns like a good idea! I have a endpoint for bith Store and item, lets say i have a webpage that allows the user to add a new store and the stores items. Would you use two seperate calls(POST store and POST Item) or would you create anew POST-endpint? In that case it would be only one endpoint instead of two but i would have to seperate the POST-body to be able to insert it to the Store and Item table in the DB šŸ™‚
Accordā€¢382d ago
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Dustyā€¢382d ago
Hmm it depends on how you structured your UI In general I'd stick to the REST pattern
Accordā€¢374d ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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