
❔ accessing object from a class inside of another class

I got this class called "Engine"(image 1) that has the object "isOn" which indicates whether the engine is on or off. I got another class called "Car"(image 2) which consists of several objects as well as on object of type Engine; I'm trying to create a method in class Car that gives me the engine's isOn. I don't know how to refer to it. this is how I tried to do this(image 3) but it doesn't work.
canton7384d ago
private bool isOn -- the private there means that only methods inside the Engine class can access it If you want to be able to access it from other classes, use public instead of private
dusk384d ago
thank you
dusk384d ago
so why does this not work?
canton7384d ago
GetIsOn is a method, so you need to invoke it. GetIsOn()
dusk384d ago
you're right sorry
Jaiganésh384d ago
A property is a better choice here though.
Accord383d ago
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