C#R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷

❔ How to Create a C# Code Base for a PC Cleaner

Does anyone know of C# to make a base code that for now just clean the %temp% folder just for me to start I don't understand anything about C# just HTML and a little python remembering it will be via windowsforms
Buddy383d ago
PC cleaner? What's that?
Arctix383d ago
Well before trying to write a program id try and understand the language first. May not be the best but when i started out i found the course on W3 Schools pretty useful to learn the basics.
Monsieur Wholesome383d ago
just clean the %temp% folder
So... deleting all files in %temp%... Do any fundamental C# tutorial and youre learning how to do that
Pixel383d ago
Pixel383d ago
this will get you started with C# use the microsoft documentation and google and you will be able to figure it out the System.IO namespace should have the functions your looking for
R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷383d ago
If I manage to learn or not, I'll let you know here, it seems difficult ;-;
R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷383d ago
Monsieur Wholesome383d ago
Yes 😅
R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷383d ago
GUYS i have my first code Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷383d ago
it would be easy if I understood you because I'm Brazilian and I know the basics of English I use the translator now I went to understand what is System.IO
Kouhai /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\383d ago
System.IO is just a namespace
R̷I̷E̷I̷D̷I̷ ̷G̷A̷M̷E̷R̷383d ago
yes I'll study more about C# when I'm home
Accord374d ago
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