C#zita epsilon

❔ Can i develop a discord music bot or admin bot using C#?

If i can, how? Any idea?
Thinker384d ago
Yes Step one is to pick a library from $discordlibs
MODiX384d ago
Discord.NET (https://github.com/discord-net/Discord.Net) + Relatively easy to use & large & friendly community which makes it easier to get help with the library + Low mantainance for existing bots on library version updates - High memory usage for caching & docs can be a bit lacking (especially for newer features) but overall has a good coverage of the library Disqord (https://github.com/Quahu/Disqord) + Good integration with the .NET generic host + Allows you to modify mostly everything to your heart's content - Heavy reliance on the host builder and DI means you cant use it without the host builder really easily DSharpPlus (https://github.com/DSharpPlus/DSharpPlus) + Beginner friendly + Hides Discord's API to make it easier to use - New functionality takes a while to be added Remora.Discord (https://github.com/Remora/Remora.Discord) + Full flexibility of utilising Discord's API, close to actual implementation + Full integration with .NET IoC, host pipeline - Steeper learning curve, less documentation
Thinker384d ago
Depending on where you source your music from, you may or may not be breaking some terms of service in creating a music bot, but a bot for administration is perfectly doable.
zita epsilon384d ago
thanks @🌈 Thinker 🌈
Monsieur Wholesome384d ago
https://netcord.dev/ also looks really promising
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NetCord – a lightweight and asynchronous Discord API wrapper
Angius384d ago
@MODiX was made with C# So the answer is yes, you can Could even take a look at MODiX's source code if you want
Accord375d ago
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