
❔ How to prevent code from being leaked?

When you created a tool and added a licence system like auth.gg, how can you make the code unreadable? Because otherwise the users can just open in editor and delete the auth part?!?! Or am I wrong?
akutGame384d ago
I'm very new to c#
Thinker384d ago
MODiX384d ago
"Then finally, there is that question of code privacy. This is a lost cause. There is no transformation that will keep a determined hacker from understanding your program. This turns out to be true for all programs in all languages, it is just more obviously true with JavaScript because it is delivered in source form. The privacy benefit provided by obfuscation is an illusion. If you don’t want people to see your programs, unplug your server." - Douglas Crockford https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/155133 * Spend your effort on putting proprietary things in your api, and keeping the distributed code as empty as possible * Use AuthN/AuthZ to control who/what/when/etc... * Free obfuscation is worth the amount your paid for it -- it's already broken and most decompilers out there can make sense of it. * Paid ofbuscation will bankrupt you unless you have a very strong revenue stream and can justify the additional cost with gained sales * The "threat" of someone hijacking your UI and shimming it to make it provide them money is not a real threat. If this is legitimate software, you can ruin their business with lawsuits - Cisien
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
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Thinker384d ago
The only true way to stop users from decompiling your code is to run it on a server. Otherwise, anyone determined enough will be able to decompile and decipher your app.
WhiteBlackGoose384d ago
you can make it open-source, then nobody can leak it :^)
Buddy384d ago
What are you trying to make?
akutGame384d ago
I'm just playing around A few months ago I created a tool for inf coins in anton Idk German school app
Buddy384d ago
What is there to hide even? It's usually not worth it
akutGame384d ago
It was very powerful And idk I was just playing around Just for fun
Henkypenky384d ago
i've been waiting for people to crack cabal for 8 years now i don't know who tf wrote that but it's uncrackable
Accord383d ago
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snowy | switching accounts372d ago
wtf is cabal
Accord370d ago
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