
❔ road map

i have a question, basic c# and .which topic should I study after netcore 5 training?
JakenVeina383d ago
define "netcore 5 training"
dela383d ago
https://roadmap.sh/aspnet-core this is a good roadmap
Learn to become a modern ASP.NET core developer
Community driven, articles, resources, guides, interview questions, quizzes for asp.net core development. Learn to become a modern ASP.NET core developer by following the steps, skills, resources and guides listed in this roadmap.
Gamma_Draconis383d ago
What do you hope to accomplish once your "training" is complete? Its a very wide world with quite literally endless possibilities you could pursue. Ideally you'd chart a path that would teach you what you need to know in that moment.
faruq007382d ago
you are very right, actually, first of all, after learning about the functioning of the web in general, I want to choose my own area of interest. I am interested in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. does this have a roadmap? or should I create it myself? this has been very helpful, thank you all very much.
Gamma_Draconis376d ago
You'd be interested in learning about Neural Networks in the context of machine learning. It's a deep field that's getting much deeper quite quickly at the moment. As for robotics, I don't know where you'd begin with that...
Accord375d ago
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