Frog TKL Questions from a newbie in the mechanical keyboard hobby

(1) Does the Frog TKL support ISO layout and stepped caps lock out-of-the-box, or do I have to do soldering?; (2) Related to the question above, do I have to purchase an additional plate if I’m planning to have the Frog TKL in ISO layout and stepped caps lock?; (3) Related to the first question, if I purchase the Frog TKL, do I only get the case/chassis and will have to search for a compatible PCB that supports ISO layout and stepped caps lock, or does it come included?; and (4) Does the Frog TKL only use a 7u spacebar (Tsangan layout), or does it support the 6.25u spacebar?
32 Replies
Tsubonk14mo ago
frog should have iso plate + pcb options wk version can do both 7u and 6.5 bottom wkl can only do 7 for obvious reasons note that wkl and wk frog have different function rows f13 on wkl and f12 on wk iirc
ah okay, so the ISO version plate + pcb is a different product than the ones that do ANSI?
Tsubonk14mo ago
from what i understand default plate has dual layout support pcbs depends on each one since there are multiple compat with frog im not like 100% sure cause i dont own a frog myself just looked at store quickly to check for ya based off your questions id assume you wanna go for iso + 6.25u bottom? would get a wk frog + whatever plate you feel like then just make sure pcb is f12 variant with iso support
Tsubonk14mo ago
Tsubonk14mo ago
galatea can cover any frog layout option
GTS8114mo ago
the hotswap PCBs (Apollo) supports only ANSI
Tsubonk14mo ago
Alessio price to pay for being hotswap making multilayout support with those giant ass sockets is a pain
GTS8114mo ago
yeah, I got a big ISO layout enter keycap + a stepped caps lock keycap I wanna use, which PCB do I get?
Tsubonk14mo ago
big iso enter we talking the funny one or normal iso enter
the inverted L-shaped one that comes in most sets
Tsubonk14mo ago
Tsubonk14mo ago
Tsubonk14mo ago
thought you meant this normal iso galatea can cover
galatea is name of the PCB?
Tsubonk14mo ago
can just check the pcb support diagram go geon store on his pcb section just make sure the pcb has the usb slot top right between nav and frow you could also technically get a fuyu but thats for the f1-8k so would have redundant features
welp, I have bad eye-hand coordination and I might mess up the soldering, there's no hotswap pcb option that supports ISO and stepped caps lock?
Tsubonk14mo ago
not that i can see iso is a 'niche' layout option so usually not catered to for htoswap
GTS8114mo ago
it's incredibly difficult to mess up soldering switches to keyboard PCB once you educate yourself with the proper steps and precaution
I think I'll learn soldering first, then
Tsubonk14mo ago
unless you have some sort of hand tremors soldering is 100% doable for anyone
GTS8114mo ago
totally understand the pain of having a nice enter key that is ISO looks at GMK Maestro kit
my hands shake, so yeah, I probably do
Tsubonk14mo ago
hand shake is fine i mean like proper proper tremors for hand shake just anchor your elbows when soldering like on edge of desk
GTS8114mo ago
I see people advertise solder/ desolder services on r/mm perhaps using a pro service is an option?
I'll just call up my electronics elective teacher to re-teach me how to do soldering hahaha xd
GTS8114mo ago
my dad tried to teach me soldering and gave up. Concede that I got the hand-shaking gene not from him. turned out he was so good that he could use a giant iron for fine electronics work when normies need to use a TS100
Tsubonk14mo ago
lol if you get a fine tip for normal iron is same as a portable iron tho
GTS8114mo ago
when I go back to Malaysia this time I'll show you a pic of that old iron
Nikopic14mo ago
europe gets cucked once again
Tsubonk14mo ago
Alessio skill issue
Keyboard manufacturers just dont understand how great the ISO enter is