SolidJS14mo ago

Client-only resource with SSR

Is there a way to make a client-only resource? that is, don't even bother on the server, render the fallback, then start fetching immediately on the client? I can use refetch in an effect but it briefly returns the server value before refetch starts without showing the fallback. Using a source signal does not render the fallback on the server
3 Replies
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr14mo ago
Just wrap the resource in an onMount. Or use the ssrLoadFrom: "initial" option in the resource.
Wurfle14mo ago
ssrLoadFrom: "initial" doesn't run the fetcher on the client as far as I can tell:
const [test] = createResource(
() => {
return 'data'
{ ssrLoadFrom: 'initial', initialValue: undefined },

createEffect(() => {
console.log('result: ', test())
const [test] = createResource(
() => {
return 'data'
{ ssrLoadFrom: 'initial', initialValue: undefined },

createEffect(() => {
console.log('result: ', test())
Also I don't think there's a way to trigger Suspense from a resource inside onMount
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr14mo ago
You need to evaluate the resource for the fetcher to run. Also, Suspense will work for all resources inside the same component.