Wrap each child

I would like to wrap each child in an element. For example I have a list element and I wand ever child element to be wrapped in a li element. What's the proper way of doing this? I can do it like this with the children helper function, but is this a good way of doing it? Should I try to avoid this situation?
export const List: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const c = children(() => props.children).toArray();
return <ul>
<For each={c}>
{child => <li>{child}</li>}
export const List: ParentComponent = (props) => {
const c = children(() => props.children).toArray();
return <ul>
<For each={c}>
{child => <li>{child}</li>}
8 Replies
Otonashi14mo ago
this is more or less the correct way to do it except you should call toArray in the jsx otherwise the children may not update
const c = children(() => props.children);
return <For each={c.toArray()} ...
const c = children(() => props.children);
return <For each={c.toArray()} ...
jesseb34r14mo ago
why not just do
return <For each={props.children.toArray()} />
return <For each={props.children.toArray()} />
Otonashi14mo ago
there is no toArray on the children prop
jesseb34r14mo ago
oh interesting. so you have to do a derived signal in order to type correctly? I don't quite understand how that works
Otonashi14mo ago
the children helper does that otherwise evaluating props.children could give you anything
jesseb34r14mo ago
ah, I didn't see that in the original code, just glossed over it
FutureLights14mo ago
Thanks! Would I be correct in assuming that everything needs recalculated for every new child?
Otonashi14mo ago
the new child needs to be created but everything else should be reused