F1-8x v2 cloud grey drop

There is an F1-8x v2 cloud grey drop on the upcoming products page scheduled for May 31, 2023. However there is also supposed to be an f1-8x v2 drop coming up with different colors as well. Is the “cloud grey F1-8x v2” on the product page referring to the drop with 900 total units in different colors, or is it separate? If it is a separate drop, then will the bigger drop be added to the upcoming product page because as of this moment it is currently not there. Thank you!
4 Replies
Pooh14mo ago
Pooh14mo ago
https://schedule.geon.works/ If you look at the Estimate Date and Fixed on the Schedule page, products that do not have a v in the Fixed box may be rescheduled.
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rushinator2314mo ago
Okay, but is the “F1-8x V2 cloud grey” referring to following post? https://discord.com/channels/743801649377574924/984755779741556757/984778796047675462 I just want to know if these two are talking about the same f1-8x v2 drop. If not then when will the 900 unit Drop be added to the upcoming product page?
Pooh14mo ago
We'll announce again when the schedule is finalized.
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