Node instance often hanging at 100% CPU.

Anyone else getting node freezes/hangs? I'm not doing any server related functions at all, but at least a 5-10 times a day, Solid Start just stops serving content because the node instance spins up to 100%. If I force kill it, I can do npm run dev again, and it works as per usual. No pattern or one thing that seems to do it as far as I can tell. And once I restart the dev server, I can refresh the same URL that caused it to die and it'll work fine.
3 Replies
mdynnl14mo ago
yep, my wild guess is file-system router isn't cleaning up well, have to look though
Some Call Me Tim
Some Call Me Tim14mo ago
interesting, any clever way to attach to the node process or monitor something like that before it goes nuts?
mdynnl14mo ago
not that i know of, but for linux, cgroups can be used to manage system resources for a particular group of processes