Identifying multiple versions of Solid installed

I'm having a bit of trouble with a large app. I have a number of Solid dependencies and one of those is likely somehow pulling in a version that is not congruent with my main app (which is on 1.7.5+). I usually use the lockfile to track down the dependency issues but it's super cumbersome because I have a lot of various dependencies. The issue I'm seeing is when I launch my start app, I get the duplicate versions error. Wondering how other people would would approach the problem?
12 Replies
davedbase13mo ago
I feel like it would be helpful if the warning message identified the versions it detects. It might help for going digging in the lock file :/
thetarnav13mo ago
I'm usually checking the chrome devtools sources tab because it has to be there. Then you can figure out what's importing what versions
thetarnav13mo ago
also this warning get's called from the solid that is loaded second so you could use that stacktrace in this search
thetarnav13mo ago
also what about something like this? or other tool theoretically this issue comes from some dependency to wrong solid version so you could find it there
davedbase13mo ago
Hmmm pnpm list isn't helping much. Going to look at the stacktrace and devtools list next
thetarnav13mo ago
thetarnav13mo ago
davedbase13mo ago
isn't this just going to show me the same thing the lock file does? hmmm the stacktrace doesn't open when I click it. ugh
thetarnav13mo ago
yeah but lockfiles are long and I don't remember when was the last time I got some useful info out of them
davedbase13mo ago
hmmmmm k ok thanks I just need to dive into it more I suppose. soooo tedious
mdynnl13mo ago
grep or rg (ripgrep) could help
Alex Lohr
Alex Lohr13mo ago
It could be the same version, but integrated in a library instead of being used as a peer dependency.