Ready Listener doesn't work

import { Events, Listener } from "@sapphire/framework";

export class ReadyListener extends Listener {
public constructor(context: Listener.Context, options: Listener.Options) {
super(context, {
event: Events.ClientReady,
once: true,

public run() {
console.log("hello im running");
import { Events, Listener } from "@sapphire/framework";

export class ReadyListener extends Listener {
public constructor(context: Listener.Context, options: Listener.Options) {
super(context, {
event: Events.ClientReady,
once: true,

public run() {
console.log("hello im running");
9 Replies
fenish13mo ago
fenish13mo ago
why its not working
fenish13mo ago
Spinel13mo ago
- Which version of @sapphire/framework are you using? - What's your file/folder structure? - Did you use the CLI to generate your bot? - What's your "main" property in package.json - Are you using TypeScript? And if so, how are you compiling and running your code? That is to say, what are your build and startup scripts? - In case you are using version 3.0.0 or higher of @sapphire/framework, and your problem related to message commands, did you add loadMessageCommandListeners to your SapphireClient options Remember that if you are new to @sapphire/framework it is important that you read the user guide.
Favna13mo ago
Specifically point 4 and 5
fenish13mo ago
ahh my main was wrong i fixed it
fenish13mo ago
btw how do i remove this lines are thoose loadApplicationCommandRegistriesStatusListeners or something else
Favna13mo ago
set loadApplicationCommandRegistriesStatusListeners to false in your client options. That said, you really should be using application commands in anno 2023
fenish13mo ago
i will use app commands but i don't want to get those messages