Geon sliders with cherry housing.

I have used the snow and cloud variant and both actuate the switch immediately lol. Like barely any force applied to the keycap will trigger a key stroke. Is this normal? The website says these sliders are compatible with cherry housings. The housings I am using are cherry blacks.
8 Replies
fwog13mo ago
not sure if it was the intention, but they have been known for very low actuation force
hylo13mo ago
I’ve noticed this as well with the cloud sliders in cherry black housings. It can be very annoying sometimes. Thought it was only me that was having this issue.
Keybort 4lex
Keybort 4lex13mo ago
I now realize the website states 1mm pre travel so it seems like it will register a key stroke with 1mm of movement. Normal cherry sliders seem to have 2mm of pre travel for a keystroke to register. Its a minimal change to he travel but I suppose it makes a dramatic change. Not a huge fan but Ill give it a week or so. Thanks for sharing.
hylo13mo ago
Thanks for your reply! That's good to know. I guess I must have missed that. Even if I rest my hands on the keys, I've noticed it registering, so I might have to remember to move my hands of the board when I am not typing.
aven13mo ago
The tactiles are less sensitive and the bump isnt that crazy if you need to do that
hylo13mo ago
I have the tactile sliders as well. Haven’t used them in a while, so will have to check to see if they are similar to the linear sliders.
aven13mo ago
other than the bump they basically sound the same
hylo13mo ago
Yea I thought they were basically the same thing Might have to pick up some more