Has anyone tried the Ctrl + . refactor menu recently?

According to the documentation Invoking Ctrl + . to pull up the refactor menu should (if they are available in that context) offer you the option to add an aspect, I'm not seeing that in VS 2023 17.6.2
6 Replies
Petr Onderka
Petr Onderka•13mo ago
Yes, I can see that in 17.6.0:
No description
domsinclair•13mo ago
Thanks, I'll have to figure out why I'm not.
Petr Onderka
Petr Onderka•13mo ago
It's of course still possible that it's a Metalama bug, just a more complicated one. 🙂
domsinclair•13mo ago
It seems to depend (on my machine at least) on where the carrat is when you invoke Ctrl + . It's possible that that's a CodeRush conflict.
Petr Onderka
Petr Onderka•13mo ago
The way it's currently implemented is that your cursor has to be on the syntax that defines the member, i.e. usually directly on the name. (Though it's a bit different for a selection.)
Unknown User
Unknown User•13mo ago
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