GEON13mo ago

Hineybush H87nu-H compatible with f1-8x 722?

I have a f1-8x 722 keyboard. I'm wondering if the H87nu-H hotswap pcb is compatible with the f1-8x 722. And if so, does the pcb have flex cuts? I'm trying to look for a hotswap pcb without flex cuts that fits the f-8x 722. Thanks!
5 Replies
danielsun13mo ago
h87nu-H has a daughterboard + jst. If you are looking on geon website, the apollo h87 will be a hotswap that works https://geon.works/products/apolloh-pcb?variant=42514562121891 or hineybush h87c should also work
blu3ming13mo ago
icic got it, didn't realize that the f1-8x only supports a pcb with a built in usb c port sadly if I'm not wrong, the apollo h87 has flex cuts and the h87c is only a solderable option right? guess I have to get the h87c and millmax it any idea whats the difference between h87c and galatea pcb?
h0tr0d13mo ago
h87c is like the form factor of the pcb..so like the size and where the usb-c port is located. If you're worried about the sound you could get an apollo pcb and just tape up the flex cuts. There was a non-flexcut board that was made but they're sold out. You might ask in their discord if there are more on the way or something. https://dallagen.xyz/products/solanisgb
blu3ming13mo ago
thanks for clarifying! after hours of research, i realised theres a fave v2 hotswap pcb that doesn't have flexcuts (https://klc-playground.com/products/fave-v2-hot-swap-pcb?variant=41116251160782) now im leaning towards that
h0tr0d13mo ago
Ahh nice! Looks like a decent pcb.