SolidJS12mo ago

Waiting for big component

Hello, I want to wait for a big synchronous component to render while rendering everything else around. After trying:
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading ...</div>}>
The only solution I could came up with was to wrap it in a component that "make it" async as such:
const AsyncComp = (props: ParentProps) => {
const [asyncify] = createResource(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(props.children), 0)));
return <>{asyncify()}</>;
const AsyncComp = (props: ParentProps) => {
const [asyncify] = createResource(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(props.children), 0)));
return <>{asyncify()}</>;
working example: https://playground.solidjs.com/anonymous/0caaf54b-4be7-4013-ae34-e36f73afcbb6 Is there no better way to achieve this goal ?
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Unknown User12mo ago
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Sarguel12mo ago
Hello, I did check lazy component prior to this post. If you mean:
const Greeting = lazy(() => import("./greeting"));
const Greeting = lazy(() => import("./greeting"));
It does what I want, but only once. As soon as the component is loaded once, it does not show the loading indicator for the next loading.
Sarguel12mo ago
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Unknown User12mo ago
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