TyphonJSTyphonJS (Michael)

Package Release: Foundry Summons (3rd party)

Greets @everyone. I do try to use pings sparingly, but want to show a spotlight on @vauxs new package for all your summoning needs. It's nice because of the filtering and being able to directly summon creatures from compendiums to the game canvas. I'm sure @vauxs can answer any questions you might have! Made w/ the TyphonJS Runtime Library & Svelte. Good job with the release! https://foundryvtt.com/packages/foundry-summons https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/32039708/246690903-baa11499-8999-49d8-99a5-1ca2f2f79b3d.mp4
Vauxs326d ago
Finally approved in Foundry, at last lol
TyphonJS (Michael)326d ago
Upload of the video overview.