Handling Component Interaction to Modal interaction to Component interaction to Modal interaction

I have this command: https://github.com/MRDGH2821/Perpetual-Mechanical-Array-Bot/blob/main/src/spiralAbyss/commands/sa-mod.ts#L370 This command makes 4 teams. And the logic for team creation is in this file: https://github.com/MRDGH2821/Perpetual-Mechanical-Array-Bot/blob/main/src/spiralAbyss/lib/TravelerTeam.ts tl;dr - this team making class uses the interaction object to: 1. Ask a string select menu 2. Show a modal with 3 text boxes 3. Show an action row with accept/cancel buttons And I have to make 4 such total teams. My Issue: After the string select menu, modal does not show up. An error comes: unknownintaraction
1 Reply
MRDGH282112mo ago
By some hacky work around, I found out that removing filter & putting dispose: true worked But I still get Interaction failed message in discord even before clicking on the button/select menu I checked twice & thrice, putting i.deferUpdate() inside filter function literally stops the flow of control from moving forward So, if I do not deferUpdate the select menu/button interaction, discord client says Interaction Failed before I even click on them And If I do deferupdate, even after clicking & selecting my choice, the bot doesn't move to next step