Announcement: posts will now be indexed via Answer Overflow

Hi everyone, this is a note to let everyone know that we are starting to index our Discord with Answer Overflow. Please note that your posts will now appear outside our Discord. You can opt out of this with the Answer Overflow commands.
16 Replies
thetarnav12mo ago
you consent by default btw
davedbase12mo ago
Oh the instructions on this aren't very
Rhys12mo ago
Welcome to Answer Overflow! If your community has any questions about it feel free to send them my way blobthumbsup update the onboarding info so this is clearer sorry about that
davedbase12mo ago
Thanks! 🙂 I'm still not sure if we're fully operational tbh hehe
Rhys12mo ago
It looks like you’re all set up correctly! You should start to see indexed pages within the next few days I’ll see what I can do for speeding up that process in the future so it’s more obvious
davedbase12mo ago
Thanks! See I did mention we'd come onboard soon, it just took us some time ;-). Thanks for building an amazing tool for the whole OSS community.
Rhys12mo ago
meowheart right back at you, it’s great being able to support OSS tools love what you guys are doing with SolidJS
thetarnav12mo ago
only #support afaik yet to see it work though
thetarnav12mo ago
ah wait it actually works I think
Answer Overflow
SolidJS Community Page
Solid is a declarative reactive Javascript library for creating user interfaces.
thetarnav12mo ago
what do you mean? it works well for me the threads just arent indexed by google yet
thetarnav12mo ago
thetarnav12mo ago
this might be interesting for @rhyssul if one can reproduce
Rhys12mo ago
Mind checking the "Authorized apps" (settings->authorized apps) section of your discord to see if answer overflow has permission to view the servers you're in? my guess is it may be missing that permission causing the servers check to 500 resulting in it not showing results
Rhys12mo ago
either way that error message should be better than "no results found" so that part needs fixing 👍 thanks for sending that over, that looks right - i'll investigate what else the cause could be signing out and back in again also may fix it
Rhys12mo ago
Did you ever click the "globally ignore account" button in the /manage-account menu?
Rhys12mo ago
In the database your account is listed to be ignored which is likely what's causing the sign in issues Gotcha, looks like your account may be in a bit of a weird state then If you use the /manage-account command and unignore your account, then try signing in that may work When you mark your account as ignored, it prevents it from ever storing your discord account in the database, which would cause the sign in flow to fail since it can't create your discord info Yep, when you sign in, it fetches your information from the Discord API, but then where it's failing is it goes to write that information to our database but since your account is in the ignored accounts table it's stopping there to not store information about a user who wanted their account to be ignored I think it's a pretty rare scenario that that occurs but still needs to be fixed up for some better UX so you understand whats happening
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