Web Baeβ€’12mo ago

Infinite Marquee gap

Hi folks, I loved the infinite marquee template and YT tutorial. Big up Web Bae! Got it almost working but there's a gap between first and second marquee content block and the second one just appears in the middle - I'm sure I just missed a setting somewhere but can't seem to find it. Any help greatly appreciated πŸ™ https://preview.webflow.com/preview/featherstone?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=featherstone&preview=56230b258625777d5b98aeb7df6dabd3&workflow=preview
8 Replies
Anderβ€’12mo ago
marquee issue
Hey Kaha! I wanted to give you some feedback on the work you did with the marquee deal. Overall, you did a pretty good job! However, I noticed an issue with the way you set it up. I made a change to the velocity so that we can test it faster. Now, we can see the results more quickly and make any necessary adjustments. I've included a demonstrati...
Anderβ€’12mo ago
in the marquee div:
No description
Anderβ€’12mo ago
set the justify to Space Between:
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Anderβ€’12mo ago
instead of Space Around
No description
Web Bae
Web Baeβ€’12mo ago
@Ander swooping in like a boss πŸ™
Anderβ€’12mo ago
You know, it’s Friday Night 😎
Web Bae
Web Baeβ€’12mo ago
πŸ˜‚ I feel you. @heather is out of town this weekend so I have a date with a 3D printer tonight lmao.
crahaβ€’12mo ago
@Ander You're an absolute gent, thank you so much! Think I was hammering those at random to try and fix something πŸ˜… Recreating this site in Webflow is my first project for work so really appreciate the template, tutorial and help πŸ™Œ