SolidJS12mo ago

Solid Bootstrap Data Table

Hi Im looking for a custom solid-js data table solution. To minimize my workload, of course I believe boostrap could be the best way. But at the same time, I also wish to have a customizable solution. So that I can add on the functionalities I want. May I know is there any one found out a better solution for a data table in solid js? or do u guys prefer to create the table by ourself? Looking forward ur opinions. At the same time, I also research that there is one data table example that we could use, which is this one: https://datatables.net/examples/styling/bootstrap5.html
3 Replies
mdynnl12mo ago
checkout tanstack table, any other addtions are welcome too or ag-grid community
thisbeyond12mo ago
I've looked at a few myself, but tend to build my own as it's just easier to get what I want that way. My data table with dynamic columns, custom formatting (inc action buttons on columns), sorting, filtering, grouping, summary rows and row selection is ~300 lines of code, easy to maintain and performant. I say this just to call out it's pretty straightforward these days to roll your own with low cost. If you're a larger team then maybe it makes sense to use tanstack or something.
GraysonT12mo ago
Thanks for each of every suggestions, the previous team make the blazor table component by themselves, I'm trying to get rid of that and tend to a easier solution.
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