"Cannot parse date or time" using AWS Data API, aurora postgres

I'm trying drizzle-orm (with sst) and aurora pg thru aws data api, when trying to insert a Date value in a column (timestamp with timezone), I'm getting this error. I wonder if the problem is the way Date is being serialized (looks like it's not using ISO date string?) this shows the response coming from aws-data-api
"errorType": "BadRequestException",
"errorMessage": "Cannot parse date or time \"Sat, 15 Jul 2023 05:58:12 GMT\"",
"name": "BadRequestException",
"$fault": "client",
"$metadata": {
"httpStatusCode": 400,
"requestId": "ef9415d4.......64414",
"attempts": 1,
"totalRetryDelay": 0
"stack": [
"BadRequestException: Cannot parse date or time \"Sat, 15 Jul 2023 05:58:12 GMT\"",
" at de_BadRequestExceptionRes (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:32546:21)",
" at de_ExecuteStatementCommandError (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:32452:19)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:26732:20",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:25599:18",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:27222:38",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:24576:22",
" at async AwsDataApiPreparedQuery.values (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:33520:20)",
" at async AwsDataApiPreparedQuery.execute (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:33499:18)",
" at async upsertUser (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:38670:18)"
"errorType": "BadRequestException",
"errorMessage": "Cannot parse date or time \"Sat, 15 Jul 2023 05:58:12 GMT\"",
"name": "BadRequestException",
"$fault": "client",
"$metadata": {
"httpStatusCode": 400,
"requestId": "ef9415d4.......64414",
"attempts": 1,
"totalRetryDelay": 0
"stack": [
"BadRequestException: Cannot parse date or time \"Sat, 15 Jul 2023 05:58:12 GMT\"",
" at de_BadRequestExceptionRes (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:32546:21)",
" at de_ExecuteStatementCommandError (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:32452:19)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:26732:20",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:25599:18",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:27222:38",
" at async file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:24576:22",
" at async AwsDataApiPreparedQuery.values (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:33520:20)",
" at async AwsDataApiPreparedQuery.execute (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:33499:18)",
" at async upsertUser (file:///var/task/packages/functions/src/auth.mjs:38670:18)"
beneidel304d ago
turned the logger on, and effectively it shows this:
"name": "15",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Sat, 15 Jul 2023 06:51:54 GMT"
"typeHint": "TIMESTAMP"
"name": "15",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Sat, 15 Jul 2023 06:51:54 GMT"
"typeHint": "TIMESTAMP"
the query (the updatedAt is the offending line, error goes away if I comment that one)
const result = await db
target: userTable.email,
set: {
email: undefined,
id: undefined,
updatedAt: new Date(),
updatedBy: newUser.updatedBy || newUser.createdBy,
where: eq(userTable.email, newUser.email),
const result = await db
target: userTable.email,
set: {
email: undefined,
id: undefined,
updatedAt: new Date(),
updatedBy: newUser.updatedBy || newUser.createdBy,
where: eq(userTable.email, newUser.email),
"drizzle-orm": "^0.27.2",
Jon R298d ago
I'm getting the same error with the same set up. Did you end up finding a solution?
beneidel258d ago
nope, I just skipped that field bc it was a small pet project, but have no solution yet using AWS Data API (maybe related to this specific driver)
beneidel255d ago
I created this as github issue here: https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/1164
[BUG]: update timestamp field (using AWS Data API) · Issue #1164 · ...
What version of drizzle-orm are you using? 0.27.2 What version of drizzle-kit are you using? 0.19.5 Describe the Bug I'm trying drizzle-orm (with sst) and aurora pg thru aws data api, when tryi...
kyen99229d ago
I just submitted a PR that I think solves this issue. I'd love some feedback if it could be better: https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/pull/1316
[AwsDataApi] Handle timestamp by kyen99 · Pull Request #1316 · driz...
Convert ISO or UTC datetime string to AWS Data API date format AWS Data API requires a specific date formatting that is different than the ISO or UTC date string. Per this document: https://docs.aw...
beneidel217d ago
thank you, let’s hope it makes it into next version. I moved on but happy to at least help test when ready
Dan Claroni81d ago
this was working for me for a while, but now this same issue appears to exist with between query filters when the value is a date object and when inserting again:
return await db.query.table.findMany({
where: (table, { eq, between }) =>
eq(table.fkId, fkId),
between(table.time, startDate, endDate),
return await db.query.table.findMany({
where: (table, { eq, between }) =>
eq(table.fkId, fkId),
between(table.time, startDate, endDate),
export const upsert = async (itemToUpsert: NewItem[]) => {
const upserted = await db

return upserted;
export const upsert = async (itemToUpsert: NewItem[]) => {
const upserted = await db

return upserted;
i'm using a pg table with the following column: time: timestamp('time', { mode: 'date', withTimezone: true }).notNull(), BadRequestException: Cannot parse date or time " hu, 22 Feb 2024 12:20:00 GMT"
Kapatid81d ago
export const sessionTable = pgTable("session", {
id: text("id").primaryKey(),
userId: text("user_id")
.references(() => userTable.id),
expiresAt: timestamp("expires_at", {
mode: "date"
export const sessionTable = pgTable("session", {
id: text("id").primaryKey(),
userId: text("user_id")
.references(() => userTable.id),
expiresAt: timestamp("expires_at", {
mode: "date"
I removed the withTimezone property in my timestamp and now everything works and I encountered this problem when trying to use Nextjs + Drizzle + Lucia Auth.
// package.json
"lucia": "^3.0.1",
"drizzle-orm": "^0.29.4",
"@lucia-auth/adapter-drizzle": "^1.0.2"
// package.json
"lucia": "^3.0.1",
"drizzle-orm": "^0.29.4",
"@lucia-auth/adapter-drizzle": "^1.0.2"
Dan Claroni81d ago
I’m not sure I want to remove the with timestamp. It appears drizzle is setup to convert date objects to ISO strings and then replace the T and the Z but for me it’s just using toString and still replacing the T, which you see when the T in Thurs is replaced with a space
Kapatid80d ago
Yeah I thought about the consequences of removing withTimezone too. Currently I am trying to find a solution in which I don't remove the withTimezone.
Dan Claroni79d ago
The problem appears to be in drizzle-orm/pg-core/columns/timestamp.js. The offending code is:
mapToDriverValue = (value) => {
return this.withTimezone ? value.toUTCString() : value.toISOString();
mapToDriverValue = (value) => {
return this.withTimezone ? value.toUTCString() : value.toISOString();
the toUTCString() doesnt work for the data api, so I am going to make a patch where I just always congvert it to an ISO string. I'm assuming this has other implications for other drivers, but I don't know enough about that
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