SolidJS11mo ago

How to stop VS Code from erroring with `Cannot find name 'React'.ts(2304)`?

VS Code is complaining with Cannot find name 'React'.ts(2304) but I am not using React at all. I have both of these in my ts config:
"jsx": "preserve",
"jsxImportSource": "solid-js",
"jsx": "preserve",
"jsxImportSource": "solid-js",
How to I avoid this issue in VS Code?
3 Replies
Grahf11mo ago
I'm curious how you made the app. Did you run: npx degit solidjs/templates/js my-app?
Ryan11mo ago
No, that application was more of less built from scratch manually more of less (it was a while ago so I don't remember 100%)
Only Cliches
Only Cliches5mo ago
If you have an "include" property in tsconfig.json with directories listed, but you create a tsx file outside the included directories, this problem will happen. Either move your tsx file to an included directory or add the directory to the "include" property in tsconfig.json.